VC Terms

AOE Sets the terms, However, we are very flexible in many new & innovative ways unlike others!

AOE Terms provide the benefits investors Need & Want that other Startups do not provide!:

- Mandate Overperformance!

- Mandate Protection!

- Full Collateral!

- Debt in Preferred Position!

- Hard Asset & Income Security!

- 3X Debt Notes!

- 10X Debt Notes!

- Fast to IPO ALREADY set up!

- Blockchain Liquidity Coming with your investment!

- High Secure Reliable Returns with strong targets!

- Fast to profit, avoid the losses with others!

- Secure Mission Built on a foundation of Granite not flash in the pan!

- No losses, no nonsense, full accountability, maximum transparency!

GPs & LPs can also come direct to AOE for preferential terms versus through VC!

Why? Because most VC DO NOT stick to the mandate sold to you!

Many immediately "go for greed" trying to undercut the value of high quality Startups like AOE to pay for their gamble flushes on garbage like the 15,492nd smartwatch or a juice app or a beardwash startups or the 11,493rd sass moonshot ponzi instead of valuing Hard Asset & income Staple Startups like AOE based on their own merit & own Mandate Crushing Prognosis. We just know that the GPs & LPs will properly value AOE faster than the VCs will. VCs? get it together & focus on the priorities & invest with intention to drive empowerment valuations to AOE, & promoting the future responsibly!

The One size fits all, broken, exploitative Neo-Feudalist system "this is how it works" failure, of USA regulated Cap Table stone age is not the future. Humanity deserves & always deserved better, more inclusive, more endowing, empowering, uplifting & more win win for those not yet with means, in a fair, just, & accountable system, as opposed to this slavery trainwreck where it's regularly stated by VC that "even companies' successes might be depending on "cap table" structures that can determine success or failure". We can not & will never allow cap table politics BS to have any effect on the success or failure of our mission. It's wrong, it's irresponsible, it's improper stewardship. Cap table decides the success or failure of a business? You've got to be kidding people! Do it right then! Invest to empower & earn a great mandate return in secure quality business merit fast to profit plans, get out of the home run gamble garbage!

Therefore, AOE is re-writing the mold & campaigning for a better future for all of humanity, while providing outperformance & superior security for our smarter investors!


  1. AOE can not allow “Neo-Feudalism” (Forever ownership where we can not redeem the investor at will) before the IPO.

- A. Companies also have the ability to take a company private at will even after they are a public company by redeeming all investors.

- B. This is just like a hedge fund or mutual funds where the managers can redeem investors at any time based on their needs at current or fair values. AOE must & will have a charter with this continually. Managers hoping for the "Greedy control rip" leaving behind their responsibilities to the world, should fix themselves & do it this right way, or give the money back to the actual investors to build the proper world we & all other humans deserve.

2. AOE must be able to redeem the investor at will (fire the investor) to prevent issues like suddenly we find out that our investor is a “Jeffery Epstein” or has done some severe medical crimes etc, & then we can not finish that arrangement due to whatever possible issues may arise for the company or any possible values conflicts. No startup or anyone for that matter should have to work for satan.

3. AOE can not allow others to control our mission nor any situations which may possibly in any way ever lead to any deviation of the AOE mission. Therefore AOE needs to retain significant controls & does not have the same level of control options that investing in other companies may enable. This is ultimately much more secure for investors however, especially particularly long term & ensures the mission of AOE will be retained not destroyed or perverted like so many others.

4. AOE will not ever be Acquired. AOE is a foundational mission oriented business. There must be no move at any time to sell the company to a corporation or other entities, it must continue on as a legacy foundation. This must be agreed to by investors in all contracts including articles of association & shareholders agreements.

5. “Stakeholders” must be passive, not active in any way that will potentially in the future divert, harm, or redirect the resources nor direction or mission or values, or culture of the AOE mission. Sole control of all such decisions will be by the founder & the founder will have a total veto at all times over all operations of AOE, & then the succession plan & board which will continue this mission onward as such. Advisory boards are strongly welcomed. Directorships publicly will fall under same & then additional voting rights for the founder & succession charter.

6. AOE must remain committed to “The Alibaba control model” which is investors will eventually be invested into a management company, whereby they sign both a shareholder’s agreement and the articles of association where they must always vote with the Founder for the lifetime of their holdings, or with the appointed management board of the Founder in case of succession. The management company is not the actual operations company, thus providing a further shield of control protection for AOE & more finance options. Alibaba's structure here was quite fantastic in providing the best for success of the company while retaining all returns mechanisms for investors.

7. AOE Founder will always control a defacto minimum 51% control position of all voting shares, & it will be in the charter. (Collateral held by investors without control however can be up to 100% of assets, though investors will not be able to dictate ANY potentially risk causing actions to the company's success)

8. All shareholders can be diluted in any way to protect this 51% control protection. Investor’s principle & return will always be protected however, & their necessary returns will convert to debt with capitalized interest & payments in any event that assets or equity is not enough to cover at the time. Investors should be investing just like they would into a stock on the stock market where % control or ownership is not ever the purpose nor concern but only return, performance mandate & contribution to the mission are the motivations.

9. Investors will sign away control, voting, dilution and any and all other rights, powers & options in lieu of what matters the most, the success of the company & mission. AOE will not be hindered to raise capital due to "some legal provisions" due investors' actions which then affect the security of the mission or control protections etc. If AOE needs to dilute to retain this, & possibly make some other concessions to investors, this is to be expected will be the priority.

All investors will receive debt note security on collateral of the company in early stages.

  1. All investors will receive a minimum guaranteed growth rate AND X rate according to the schedule set time to time by AOE & according to their investment date/time & conditions & stage of the company at the time. This can be expected to outperform stock market investment targets & VC return targets sold to LPs & GPs in general on mandates. (typically 1.31x over 10 years to 3x to 5-10x early over 10 years.)
  2. All investors will receive security guarantee by founder, protecting them from excessive takeouts, salaries, or benefits which often are seen in silicon valley before investors are ensured to be able to get their money back + high quality above market return.
  3. “WEWORK CEO Clause” will be in operation. Founder will have super-majority & his shares will always have a minimum 20-1 voting power versus other shares. (This was done in Wework & supported for 84 Billion in investment by Venture Capital investors & Public market valuers.)
  4. AOE will not entertain "Forever Life Purchase" with no strings attached by investors early stage where they spend not one second on the business in their lives but think they control or own the business & lives of those working in it & can in some way hold it hostage or steer it away from it's planned direction if something they want isn't done "their way".
  5. Investors should be investing to their mandates of performance returned. Not to control, rip, strip, or be "activist investors" meddling with the company etc. AOE will not accept activists but for those doing activism that supports the AOE mission. We greatly welcome this "Defensive Mission Forward Activism which backs up the AOE mission." (This is typical activism, to cut the BS of boards & investor meddling & restore proper vision back to the original mission of the founder)


  1. Loans/Notes/Bonds
  2. Debentures Unsecured
  3. Redeemable equity
  4. SPV partnerships
  5. Blockchain
  6. Other innovative solutions can be made available build to suit. We are far more innovative & willing to innovate than others. Bring solutions not canned "Same old this is how it's done stone age stuff." (Ultra-competitive pricing welcome, especially capitalized debt!)

NOTES NOTE** AOE will NOT entertain discounts on shares merely for doing a Note. This is rediculous & merely exploitation of the Startups. Investors should be TRYING to help the company & mission not trying to rip scammy "discounts" from them merely for giving money today in a note so they can succeed merely because the anti-success regulations propped up prevent the rights of people to invest in what they want when they want to when all that is needed should be a simple disclaimer that they understand what they are doing. NO DISCOUNTS. What is this, a 2 for 1 pizza? Call dominos


- AOE Sets the valuation ultimately, & investors should be helping AOE to get the highest valuation possible as this is in the best interests of the Impact mission. Investors should be FIRST concerned with their mandate, and second with the mission, & a far 3rd or never in gouging value in "negotiating skills" to try to suck more X from gutting the value of the company, thus harming the mission. That is not the right way to go about these things. For example, now that Tesla Motors value jumped 6x, they can finance out 5 Billion dollars to expand massively & immediately. The shorts & VC who undercut their value prevented this for 15+ YEARS. Don't judge startups on "I've got to cover my gambles! Drop your valuation!" Instead we will collateralize your principal & mandate return & we get the valuation we want & deserve that helps us.

This spirit must be in our investors to be on the same page with the scaling plan. If they can not cover their investment via our 3x & 10x notes with 100% collateral & be happy with guaranteed minimum market overperformance above their mandates, then we are just simply not a heart & mental match. If they will cut their own leg off regarding their mandates just for greed & Cult & ego & establishment "the way it is" nonsense, or to cover their casino crapshoots as abandoning their human responsibilities to the world & human future, this is not a quality venture investor to manage other people's money & is letting his own biases get in the way of success, especially for the world. AOE will outperform unlike others. There is no need for failed policies & failed intentions. Obviously if any investment manager will not take the easy win, & progress & support such greatly needed missions for humanity as 4+ Billion Starve with no energy in biggest vaccum demand ever, whining instead about cutting valuation down with no willingness to stick to the mandate nor drive empowerment & endowment & big valuations to solve the capital issues, then they should be giving the money back to the GPs & LPs or to an investor who actually DOES want to see these changes for the world we all need. Leadership is not whining about a lower valuation for the startup to cut their legs off & try to get another 1X to cover your other gambles ignoring the mandate. Leadership is DRIVING SUCCESS INTO THAT MISSION FOUNDATIONALLY SETTING THEM UP FOR MASSIVE VICTORY. Don't make people want to fire you as an investor because you don't have the spirit to WIN for Humanity. INVEST HEAVILY LIKE YOU MEAN IT INSTEAD.

VC Engagement:

1. VC will market to their book of investors immediately on investment as a condition, NOT WAIT in excuses. (There is time to wait with 4+ Billion no energy? Didn't you want to grow??)

2. VC will provide their contact book to AOE if they will not do such, so we can do it for them. (Serious growth needs to be driven actively.)

3. VC will provide the valuation to AOE based on what they are going to turn around & sell it for & thus we establish maximum early stage valuation. (This is way better for scalable startups & all know it.)

- If the VC attitude is elsewhat, this is not the proper leadership that humanity deserves from investors, clearly. The old stone age Exploitation methods of pre-money/post money valuation scams are not really so acceptable anymore & more forward thinking paths are required in 2020+

- Once you put the money in & it's allocated over the quarter, then investors would turn to their VC book for a valuation & that valuation will be known ahead of time based on factors, & the market & experience. When put in 250K into a franchise, it's now worth millions the second the money is in & it's allocalted/built (esp. in this industry) There isn't really an excuse for exploiting for a pre-money valuation scam when it's going to be worth multiples shortly after investment 12-24 months. Mega-greed off the charts isn't really a good way to start a life of investment partnership.

- That valuation will be the valuation for the deal. Investors will be given a very attractive return commensurate with their mandates that is not directly attributed to this valuation. The valuation is separate to the return of the investors. Woww you do know how to innovate right? Please do.

- Investors must be focused on their mandates, not trying all they can to cut value & max the X from negotiation tactics hoping for that extra 1x by exploitation instead of endowment/empowerment.

- Those who pass for later, will have adjustments to pricing versus NEW VC or other investors that did not pass & wait. LEADERSHIP requires ACTION not waiting around in made up excuses.

Now, it's time to win big VICTORY for your GPs & LPs & for all those around AOE & AOE touches & all of Humanity & the entire human future! Don't let humanity down! This is your chance to send humanity into the AlphaOmegaEnergy Era of Development Future Freedom Unprecedented!


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