Great People, Great examples for us all.
AOE deeply resonates with the great thinking, values, positivity, direction and determination of these fine people. We seek to attempt to emulate, to walk in their footsteps, to be their friends, and continue onward with these shared values.
The Man who brought me EMC2, thank you, my friend.
The Small Private Innovator that brought us so much. Thank you brother.
One Great Man with a Great Heart and vision for all people.
Great minds came from the decision to try and do great.
If you want to Change The World you should not be going to Silicon Valley, you should be leaving it. (May 4th, 2015)
Thomas,B. Real Economy Engineer, Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Obsessed Changemaker
Impossible is absolutely the worst idea I ever heard of. It makes no sense, and it doesn't exist. Show it to me, I want to see one. (May 21, 2017)
Thomas,B. Engineer, Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Obsessed Changemaker
Silicon Valley has become such an absolute cult that probably no one there would ever fund someone like me. The problem is, I'm the guy with the 1,185 New Energy techs the Whole World is crying for while the rich hold the bag on the human development future. (May 21, 2017)
Thomas,B. Engineer, Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Obsessed Changemaker
I just attended the World Economic Forum ASEAN 2017 and not one word was spoken about Startup nor SME investment. It is the most grave total failure of economic vision and planning at the highest scale imaginable . (May 13, 2017)
Thomas,B. Engineer, Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Obsessed Changemaker
In this life, we will witness the death of oil, coal, nuclear, solar, fusion attempts, Thorium, Helium-3 madness, and even wind use. Many of the current physics constructs will collapse. We are but a race that hasn't yet awoken, tied still to hierarchical servitude and chained from enlightenment. (Feb 18, 2017)
Thomas,B. Engineer, Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Obsessed Changemaker
The rich should have to pay for farming robots for and so the poor farmers can remote control them from hammocks, or just watch. One day I hope to make them. But this world seeks to replace these farmer's very livelihood with robots used against them instead of to help them.
Thomas,B. Engineer, Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Obsessed Changemaker
10% of the purchase price of robots should be redirected to buy robots for or that directly help the poor make free necessities or income. For every 10 robots we buy or build, one will do just that, at least.
Thomas,B. Engineer, Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Obsessed Changemaker
For all the fame, fortune, hundreds of billions, skill, capacity, potential of silicon valley, and all their Change The World talk, they still have not even helped poor little Cambodia make free phone calls yet nor promote their produce online. It costs them a day's wage to make a 12 minute business call and they can't even produce enough food. It's 2017. As of Feb. not a single Silicon Valley investor financially supported even one Startup in Cambodia. They should change their change the world statement to "change our bank balance" Truth matters.
Thomas,B. Engineer, Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Obsessed Changemaker
Silicon valley is obsessed with building virtual reality, virtual experience, virtual relationship, virtual so-called social interactions, virtual life, and virtual economy. The problem is reality for the other 6.8 Billion people where their REAL economies haven't even been built yet, and nearly 1/3rd still doesn't even have electricity. Silicon valley is in a self-obsessed lala-land of excess and FAKE at the same time the rest of the world needs them all more than ever to come and build for REAL.
Thomas,B. Engineer, Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Obsessed Changemaker
Einstein said he feared the day technology would make us into a race of idiots. With billions in a zombie-like distracted trance on facebooks, apple-boxes, games, and celebrity-politicized gossip streams, today we are there exactly as he laid-out.
Thomas,B. Engineer, Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Obsessed Changemaker
We are in a time of unprecedented wealth vaccum to the top of the pyramids, where disenfranchisement grows not abates, and where opportunity consolidates at record breakneck speed. Economic leadership and management needs to separate itself from idealogue social policies or economic management need be separated from them, for we are committing economic atrocity to the undevelopeds at unsustainable pace that should bring humanity great shame and alarm.
Thomas,B. Engineer, Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Obsessed Changemaker
You won't kill this planet with climate change nor it's claims for God says "This is My Climate". And you won't ever have solutions for the problems of humanity unless you fund the Small Private Innovator underdogs who are always the ones God sends who make them.
Thomas,B. Engineer, Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Obsessed Changemaker
We should probably be moving to the Metron scale about now.
Thomas,B. Engineer, Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Obsessed Changemaker
It is of no credit to the usa nor any other nation nor silicon valley nor the west that I am putting solar panels on the Cambodian orphanages. Nor the g-30 nor scientists nor businesspeople nor governments nor NGOs nor pastors with all their degrees and capital and so called expertise and so called knowledge and so called financial expertise and peer reviews and great CV's and great teams and huge funding and riches and wealth. For us without any of those things in most of their minds, and without any of their help and not even $1 of their funding, had to go and do it for them. As all of them put together for decades ignored these children while they got rich and hoarded and played and talk and talk and never even bothered to come near to turn the lights on, I say, Where the hell were they? And Where the hell are they? Despicable. Absolutely Pathetic.
Thomas,B. Engineer, Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Obsessed Changemaker
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Alpha Omega Energy
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