(Energy suppression, Energy Future, Geopolitics, SPI Market)
Some people ask me about energy suppression. I am not much of a conspiracy theorist but every simple lie, cheat, fraud is in fact a conspiracy is it not? Every parent is committing a number of conspiracies to their children in what you decide to hide from them. It's not so much a conspiracy as management and semantics. Clearly so much has been suppressed and many killed and far too many 'mysterious deaths' this is without question now in my mind though before I thought all these people talking such to be rather batty. There is even far more merely out there dead in the water due to no support. Recently a high level US security officer told me that if anyone rich feels like they will lose money due to what you are doing they will just make you go away they won't think twice about it. 'Fortunately' my business model and location choices are not a harm to any party. The patent offices are chock-a-block full of powerful techs now dead to the world due the passing or killing of their inventors. Far more tech of even more immense value is not patented. We live in a phoney reality construct that supposedly the world or the business world or even silicon valley cares at all to solve these issues. If they cared at all, all of us types would easily have many funding pipelines to go to and this is not the case. To date there is not a single avenue where energy innovators can go and vie for some private funding for this direction besides attempting to hunt down cleantech investors in seminars and via the web. Not one single advertisement could you find for such anywhere in the world and not even at World economic forum nor Sustainability Week nor at Cop-21 despite the announcement of a huge new fund for 'establishment energy breakthrough'. No one is looking for us. No one is working on this issue. It's just not real. It's all talk. It's all BS. There is 10,000 times more funding daily to spam on both Climate Change and against the Cleantech industry than money going to seek these solutions among the SPI market each year. I don't know of any SPI that has gotten any funding for their innovation but for one. He got 100 Million dollars and now has a 10 Billion dollar company-ish but even still they get articles calling them "dead money". We have sent a number of emails to silicon VC firms and they have never yet responded. To Nasa, to Large Clean energy investors, no one has ever responded yet but for one Christian man. The world of people lives in a false reality of optimism that isn't actually happening. It's the world we live in with our rosey colored glasses of positivity on. The real world is a far greedier and selfish place, far more corrupt than we ever want to think it. The world fools itself on so many things and few have any view outside the box of our constructs. They don't need to suppress anything, there is no help for these people, none. Who is going to help them or invest in them? No one has and no one will. If one of them successfully commercializes all on their own to a good scale, then some investors can be won but really they are more like greedy savers with loanshark terms. They don't need to suppress anything though they do sometimes, sure. Are you going to invest in them? Did you? You didn't. No one campaigns for us to investors though some have in the past, but all of them too greedy, bigoted, and corrupt to invest to date. They don't want to invest in people and in change, they want to buy or get what other people have. The few investors that wan't to Change The World for real are few and far between, and there is no organization to bridge this gap whatsoever. It certainly isn't the UNDP or NGOs or World Bank or IMF nor ADB etc. They only deal with huge globals or governments. There is no real innovation funding support for this area and if anything looks like even maybe someone might think or be able to claim it's research, forget it no way. They won't touch anything not bankable already at millions dollars in proven installations. The few Dev-Orgs maybe have a contest for $5,000 after most of a year of wasting time in their completely incompetant incubations with people who have never really been around real business, investment, nor innovation at any level before. Requirement again is open prostitution of your technology. Been there talked to them all that could be found. There is nothing, you would think such people would care since they talk endless HS about these issues of Climate Change and pollution and energy economics etc, but in reality they are all merely individuals writing reports to get a big paycheck and go on vacation or to a party. It's a job,l if they cared at all they would be fighting for these people like warriors and doing whatever they could bend their backs on to get new innovations and innovators funded, but this you never see anywhere. If anyone gave a crap, my phone would ring like an old fashioned alarm clock with a broken stop lever. None of these kinds of people are ever on the line unless I'm calling them, and if we do, they just go away. It's big companies, big money already done and in their face with them recipient of some major financial benefit or they couldn't care less. That's the reality the SPI market faces. You commercialize to medium-business level all by yourself or you are just another "freako" on the internet to these people. (and you get called it often) I knew this after watching it for 25 years, and that's why I decided to go in and do it and help them. It's harder than I thought it would be, a lot harder, but I chose China then Cambodia to begin which makes it much harder. Had I chosen California I would be funded already I think and many from there won't touch me in here. Those nuts from other camps like solar or Thorium sometimes call me names and attack immediately and block/ignore etc. There are harsh rivalries between competitors and sectors within Cleantech. The media is reporting from the outside and misses most of the value. They also don't want to report on this unless they are paid to, because already there is too much spam on Climate change and energy etc. They couldn't care less if a new breakthrough came along that is a small guy's work. They don't write about us. We have to pay. It's all BS. People pretend that reporters actually give a crap but it's all HS. They get paid and big, ask them, don't pretend and deny until you asked them, and you didn't. We did. We have to pay. Media doesn't give a crap. It's all clickbait. They don't think it's new nor newsworthy whatsoever especially with the ocean of free Climate Change BS to re-post from newswires. The one thing good about it is it makes a very high barrier to entry business once we make it. Any others rising, wow I wouldn't wish this on anyone, good luck, 99.999% fail rate in SPI market to date. I will win. I like these other inventors share their unending invincible determination but with significantly higher business and investment acumen than any SPI guy I have heard of or met to date and I will pivot often if must and have. I will succeed greatly once we gain a tiny investment. But even I have no confidence in anyone else making it in these conditions, absolutely none. Who will help them? No one. I wouldn't invest in any of them either unless I was involved to make sure it was going to be managed correctly. There are 50 million whiners and re-posters on the internet complaining and supposedly 'supporting' these guys but no one invests in them. Without INVESTment nothing changes EVER. Most of the re-posters are as full of HS same as the rich as a lot of them they won't even part with $500 to see this come to fruition. Numerous Kickstarter clean energy campaigns have all failed. People just want gadgets in their hands they refuse to support real projects. We just need 2,000 people to put up $500 and it's done, but it's never gonna happen because they can't get a consumer gadget in their hands. All have failed in crowdfunding such projects and the regulation makes it impossible for people to do anything to really invest a good chunk of money into projects like these, it's all small gadget and rewards based and no equity. There is no support nor support system for these people, absolutely none, it's just HS and so are any claiming there is or even might be such, it just isn't real. Bottom line? They used to suppress hard core, but now? Who needs to? No one is going to support the SPI market anyway, and everyone knows it. Would an SPI get murdered for his breakthrough tech? Sure of course it's a very sensible scenario and the chance I will be is quite high this is just the fact of the matter. With so much energy control, corruption, political corruption, huge money involved, wars being fought over resources, theft and hacking and attacks and hostile actions towards competitors in the business world, There can't really be any doubt that I may become a target, but you can't let that stop you. You just have to go about things in a more thoughtful and selective manner. It's certainly a risk to try yes, but someone has to do it and I'm not stopping I'm a lifer now. JFK I believe was assassinated not only due his stance against the FED but also the movement against the 90% tax rate in the USA and it's equitable sharing of economic benefit to broader society, and as well very much due to wanting to support the SPI market and mainstreaming cheaper energy for the people instead of oil and the global oil cartels. (June 3/2017)
— Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, and aspiring Philanthropist