Founder Quotes
On Science, Physics, Theoretical Physics, Funding and Support for the SPI market, Technology, Perspective, Clean Energy
the new culture of squashing outside voices by Scicom, and others.
(warning, this is not directed to Clients and Investors, you may get lost in this)
and is fine to agree to disagree. What matters not is agreeing with everything the innovator believes, what matters is can he make what he says or not
and if he can, what is his company thus going to be worth,
and what Change in the World, is he going to make?
It is Beyond Time, to Change It.

- Physics and Science
- Innovation
- Think & Perspective in Science
- Technology
- SPI Market & Breakthroughs
- Scicom
- Personal Think & Perspective - Value s
- Free? Energy
- Energy Suppression
- Pizza Planet & Alternate models
- CO2
- Entrepreneurialism
- Fantastic Questions
- Personal
Physics and Science
(Physics and science)

If you want to know about energy, you should know about God. For God is the original inventor of all light and all energy, and all of the forces of the universe. If you want to better understand the innovation, you should go and ask the Innovator who made it.(May 4, 2015)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Obsessed Changemaker, Engineer, Innovator, + Scientist
(Physics and science)

The Universe, is the Ultimate Maker's Space.

(posted online May 23, 2017, original May 4, 2015)
Thomas,B. Engineer, Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Obsessed Changemaker, + Scientist
(Physics and science, Iconic)

Give me the funding I need, my solid place to stand, and I will power the earth with a single atom of fuel.
Give me the funding I need, again my solid place to stand, and I will power the earth with not even a single atom of fuel. (May 24/2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, + Scientist
(Physics and science, Iconic)

Whoever said you need atoms to make power, didn't understand the Universe, nor physics, nor did they read what God said in the bible from a physics perspective. (May 28/2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, + Scientist
(Physics and science, Iconic)

Give me half the funding of Nasa just once, though but a little, truly I will be able to move the entire universe. (May 28/2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, + Scientist
(Physics and science approach)

Many people have told me not to write my views about Scicom, God, or Physics at all let alone on the internet or my website as I will be called crazy, an absolute nutter, and lose support or that I will be killed. They say "Don't say anything controversial or anything anyone might not like." I really don't care for most of these people judging are of course fakes or the weak minded. Once I install one single new box and let them watch that meter spin, the whole world will actually have to take a fair think about everything that I have said, like it, hate it, controversial or not. And even if not, the fact of the matter will be, and all that matters, is that dial is a turnin', and everything is a Changin'. (June 18/2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian.
(Physics and science, Iconic)

It ultimately doesn't matter one iota how crazy you think the Innovator is. What is in his heart is what matters most, and in his eyes. Then you need to ask yourself, of all that is in his bag of tricks, can he make something that works that can be sold to someone? If the answer is yes, you would be a fool not to invest. And then you will need to ask a second question, just how good a box can he make? And again, you may make yourself an even greater fool, for not investing and finding out.

(June 20/2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, and Radical Christian.
(Physics and science, Iconic)

I just have to laugh when Scicom says "Every Action has an equal and opposite reaction." What happened to the minds of your Engineers? I would say they aren't very good. I would say, "You are not one"....and if you then claim you are one, I would say "Not a very good one. For unlike your puny mind, God didn't put your arm or leg at the center nor back nor front of your body, but on the outside."

(June 20/2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian.
(Physics and science, Iconic)

I would have loved to have seen some Scicom fool make this claim to Archimedes about some supposed law that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Archimedes would have put him inside and smashed this guy in one of his many machines that BROKE IT.

(June 19/2017)

Any Daring yet suicidal volunteers Scicom? I am available to make this happen with your funding support. The Change that it would bring about, would be nothing short of Absolutely Magnificent.
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian.
(Physics and science, Iconic)

I was supposed to be doing paperwork today, but then I saw something I had seen at least a 1,000 times...but then for the very first time, ...and I broke the laws of Physics instead.

(June 19/2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian.
(Physics and science, Iconic)

I have never considered myself as a law breaking type nor did I ever have any intention or desire to do such or be such a person as that. In life I have broken a few as most people have, usually by mistake and sometimes I was shocked that I had done so as had no idea that's what it even was. I was never proud of and always regretted and immediately began to change that behavior. But now I am a significant lawbreaker for I have broken the limitation laws of Physics again and again and again and I have no regret whatsoever and I am greatly proud to be such a lawbreaker and I will never "fix" this behavior, but I will instead fight, to fix, all of yours.

(June 19/2017)

I deliberately broke one law however even after I had heard of it. Hanging men's and women's underwear on the clothing line side by side. And no, the women's underwear was not mine. :D
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian.
(Physics and science, Iconic)

Scicom is telling everyone how everything in physics works, but last time I checked, almost none of them are engineers, and they make and manufacture almost nothing. They should actually begin to make SOMETHING before they claim how everything works and doesn't work, and what is supposedly impossible when they don't even know how to make a simple robot or completely lack the wherewithal how to even make something, go in a circle.

(June 19/2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian.
(Physics and science, Iconic)

Scicom should have an "Arthur's Sword" program. A "what if" funding pool, for "previously deemed hopeless" parts of technology and science in that if someone new out of nowhere has some incredibly strong value that they can get it to work, that they can have some funding to try.

We have 1,310 new swords we pulled out already. And there is not one dollar of funding anywhere for us still. We should have had funding years ago just for trying, when we had nothing but one idea and the overwealming feeling it would work.

(June 19/2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian.
(Physics and science, Iconic)

The so called phoney man made "Law of reciprocity" or "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction" is a dumbing down of true engineering capacity. Nothing could be more completely contradicted in the recent so called scientific claims of Scicom, and in the actual conditions of free space.

(June 19/2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian.
(Physics and science, Iconic)

If Scicom ever says to my face, or anyone for that matter "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction" I will respond, "Your engineer is shit."

(June 19/2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian.
(Physics and science, Iconic)

I stood outside today watching a rainbow become physically stuck, 'burned' into the sky. I realized why. I saw the 'stuck' move in a very certain method relative perfectly with something else. I then realized that I can proverbially 'swim' in free space, and the QM club can't do anything to deny it. It is a wonderful Universe we live in, one that is now free from the confines of the limitations of the man-made up mind.

(June 20/2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian.
(Physics and science, Iconic)

Whoever in Scicom wants to trumpet their crap about their current man-made phony physics laws, perhaps would be careful enough not to make himself a fool by remembering that they have been hard selling everyone at same time, that there is supposedly a vaccum, and using linear models and linear mathmatics to try and defend such.

(June 20/2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian.

I met an "american", of course unapologetic to the other 40 american nations of people who are also "american", living in a complete;y sci-com infused bubble that it's somehow not even possible to make technology outside of a sterilized labcoat wearing laboratory. I asked him if his auto mechanic of 20 years experience could picture in his mind all the workings of the engine as its going and describe to you specifically all the steps of the way what would happen if you put a wrench into it. He said no. He actually said no. He said this to me as his child was dancing and playing imaginary drums in a big party with all his imaginary friends and making the imaginary sounds in his symphony orchestra engineer's mind. I told him, you should ask your son for a new imagination, because your's is obviously busted. This same man earlier had asked me, but Thomas where is your laboratory? to which I of course answered, I'm in it now, I never left.

(Oct 26 /2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian.
(Physics and science)
"Heat" is not "heat" it's merely a label for something else.
"Cold" is not "cold" it's merely a label for something else.
"light" is not "light" it's merely a label for something else.
"weight" is not "weight" it's merely a label for something else.
"Coke Zero" is not Coke Zero, it's merely a label for something else, which has a very long boring name to most people so we call it "Coke Zero"
Humanity is completely distracted and also lost in forgetfulness due to all the oversimplified labels they have given everything.
Vibration, frequency, electromagnetism, and energy are rather the keys to everything.
(May 21/2015)
Thomas,B. Engineer, Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Obsessed Changemaker
(Physics and science)
"I have made over a dozen technologies just by my spiritually caused dreamy observations of the physics in my endless drinks of Coke Zero. And no they haven't even given me any shares yet, but I will accept excitedly if they make and send me with them a non-aspartame version in favor of natural sweeteners. Cambodia can make the sweetener. It would be a economic development hit, and I would challenge Buffet's drinking record.
(May 23/2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Obsessed Changemaker, Engineer, Innovator, and Scientist.
(Physics and science, Einstein)
"If Einstein were alive today he would surely abandon E=mc2 and rewrite it. He was never a man incapable of flexibility, learning, and updating based on new information, technological advancements, and observations.
(May 21,2017)
Thomas,B. Engineer, Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Obsessed Changemaker
(Physics and science, Einstein)

"Special relativity is a contradiction to all things observable in the universe and solar system, especially concerning the so called speed limit of light. As others discover more about the properties outside the heliopause and heliosphere, or even once the sun is better understood by Scicom, I believe all of humanity will get past this loggerhead. (May 21,2017)
Thomas,B. Engineer, Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Obsessed Changemaker
(Physics and science, Scicom, Einstein, EMC)

It would seem that Einstein either didn't understand the basic fundamental principles of the universe when he derived special relativity, or else as scientific discovery was always for him as a work in progress yet unfinished and always being adapted, improved, and re-written. Scicom however takes it as a finished work, inconsistently not in keeping with the manners of Einstein.
(May 21, 2017)
Thomas,B. Engineer, Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Obsessed Changemaker
(Physics and science, Einstein, EMC)

Emc2 is great along one line on a 2D piece of paper but bears no relevance to the 3D universe.
(May 21, 2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Obsessed Changemaker, Engineer, Innovator, + Scientist
(Physics and science, Einstein, EMC, SR, QM)

The current models of Quantum Physics and Special Relativity emc2 do not match. Scicom needs to face it that there needs to be announced that there is actually a very real battle on whether "light" is actually made of particles or a different form, and they also for all their funding and so called expertise have no damn clue which in any conclusive fashion. We can see also in the real physical actions in the universe that seemingly neither QM nor SR are correct here. Theory, guesses, and math magic tricks crafted to serve your purpose really pale in comparison to looking out in the universe and seeing the real one move right in your own eyes.
(May 23, 2017)
Thomas,B. Engineer, Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Obsessed Changemaker
(Physics and science, QM, WP)

The world is talking about a rematch between Manny Paquiao and paid for seeming cheaters USADA and Mayweather. Manny won clearly with more landed shots and was the dominant fighter as well. I think an even bigger fight however that needs to be seen fought is Quantum Mechanics Vs Waveform Physics. I will be rooting for Waveform Physics scoring a full knockout but I expect it to go the distance. I would love to buy tickets on PPV and watch it from one of my favorite lab locations. (May 23, 2017)
Thomas,B. Engineer, Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Obsessed Changemaker
(Physics and science, EMC)

If someone provides us with just a mere 0.00025% of the annual funding of USA research, we will publish our re-write of emc2 which I am sure Einstein would also agree on if he were here. Until then we are still just an unfunded startup with 1,206 New Energy Technologies that the World Economic Forum has no platform to assist. (May 23, 2017)
Thomas,B. Engineer, Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Obsessed Changemaker, + Scientist
(Physics and science, EMC)

Emc2 becomes contradictory merely .....(yet another proof-test in lab comes to mind), on a trajectory through the earth's fields or plane, yet even moreso involving other bodies, and a completely catastrophic failure at a distance of 300,000,000 or taken off a 2D piece of paper into the very different 3D universe. Despite this, I still love it. For it has filled my mind with pleasurable realizations of the base root concept in all of it's glory. (another realization, and another..) (May 23, 2017)
Thomas,B. Engineer, Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Obsessed Changemaker, + Scientist
(Scicom, Physics and science, Sun)

"It is fantastically amazing how big egos those in Scicom have yet how little they understand about our sun". (May 21,2017)
Thomas,B. Engineer, Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Obsessed Changemaker
(Physics and science, Sun)

"Solar core fusion is an absolute myth and not necessarily happening at all and by my reasoning it is not. We also have really no data nor observations of any significance that would lead one to be able to substantiate claims of "solar deaths due running out of Hydrogen fuel" nor fusion at the core. The sun also needs no fusion currently for it's energy delivery."
(May 21,2017)
Thomas,B. Engineer, Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Obsessed Changemaker
(Physics and science, "Light")

The massive cult like insistence that "light" is a set speed exactly, is one of the greatest mistakes of Scicom, and which can even be witnessed with the naked eye in physics. When they have completed any reasonable tests outside of the heliosphere, or near the sun, let us know. The current construct of "light speed" is dead in the water, and thus so is the current model of E=mc2
(May 21, 2017)
Thomas,B. Engineer, Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Obsessed Changemaker
(Physics and science, "Light")

Scicom completely misunderstands the relationship between the "light" and "the dark" in the Universe, and even what they are.
(May 21, 2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Obsessed Changemaker, Engineer, Innovator, + Scientist
(Physics and science, Scicom, "Light")

Hawking won a Nobel prize for not only completely contradicting himself, but merely pointing out what every eyeball in a glass can see. He should get an extra special award for this strange achievement perhaps. Do we all get one for contradicting ourselves and pointing at something all can see moving? Does he have to give it back since he regularly claims it is impossible and that the exact opposite is happening in galactic cores? So who gets the Nobel prize when the opposite to his claims about galactic cores are actually "admittedly measured to be wrong?" We can see those too already with "an eye in a glass"
(May 21, 2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Obsessed Changemaker, Engineer, Innovator, + Scientist
(Physics and science, Dark Matter)

There are a number of causes and forms for "dark matter" but the very subject is misunderstood by Scicom completely as they admit. You also don't need any extra physical matter to expand the universe and faster even without God wishing it to be.
(May 21, 2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Obsessed Changemaker, Engineer, Innovator, + Scientist
(Physics and science, Dark Matter)

One group of Scicom claims there is "Dark Matter" The other group says it's not real and is a phoney construct that the left hand of Scicom made up like so many others to try and explain the expanding and accellerating universe. Some of the most well-read and active and massively funded Scicom media and reporters still even pretend and act that neither is even being said and that supposedly the universe is cooling and slowing down to the contrary. However all 3 are wrong. The Universe IS as was clearly measured to be, Expanding and Accellerating, from every point of reference, AND dark matter is very real and comes in a number of forms, however this dark matter has very little to do with the total expansion although some of the forms of it does definitely contribute to the overall energy gain. Scicom doesn't or refuses to recognize however that there is any energy gain in this or causing the expansion, again contradicting themselves and stuck trapped in their insistent counter claims.
(June 18, 2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian.
(Physics and science)

- The law of conservation of energy has been proven wrong in both easily basic eyeballed physics observations and in vast studies.
- The law of thermo systems is also proven wrong and measurable and the opposite in fact is a very real daily problem we are spending huge dollars trying to mitigate.
- A total Scicom contradiction is Conserv and the vaccum they claim exists but actually doesn't. If it was how they say, then these two completely contradict each other. The reality is however both are incorrect. There is no actual vaccum and also energy is created all the time and we can do so by following this structure.
- Light speed limitations are not well tested and QM is completely at odds with EM and then again with SR. There are no reliable tests for Light Speed in a low EM environment and nor can there be until we do such outside the confines of the heliosphere and then again the confines of the galactic EM field.
- Heat isn't "heat" especially in a QM matter of speaking. Until Scicom can keep this idea in the forefront of thinking, they will remain clueless to all things energy.
- It is no wonder Scicom is so clueless about energy when they have lied to everyone that it can not be created. These people are trying to claim that there was an exact amount of matter or energy in their phoney space fart, and no more, no less, and no more can be added in any way whatsoever no matter what. They can't know this but insist it. In fact they can easily know the opposite by their observations and results to date.
- "So called gravity waves" destroy Conserv so they made a phoney construct to explain how they fit with Conserv. However if you do this in a small measurable controlled experiment, you will see with your own eyes that it destroys conserv. They will make believe some other "write-in" surely to "make it fit" with conserve however no doubt to be expected.

- Einstein could have been more useful and successful had he listened more to Maxwell and not forgotten his lessons in deriving emc2
- Scicom generally builds nothing, the engineers do. Scicom goes about playing in make believe man made theories and guesses and then make math tricks to try and come up with something that justifies their claims then claim that math is never wrong in order to silence any inquiries. However what actually is working in physical systems is almost always the exact opposite and when you do the engineering you can see that. It is no wonder that people who don't understand nor build the physical machinery, will not have a good grasp on the physics behind them and affecting them. We are told how it is by Scicom and indoctrinated by them, but then we go and build, and you can see right away how it works is nothing at all like they claim it is.

(June 18, 2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian.
(Physics and science, Scicom, Gravity)

For all the insistence about "gravity" by Scicom, they sure know nothing about it. Their behavior about it is more a religious cult obsession than towards any factual type of construct of evidence. Newton believed strongly in God. Perhaps Scicom can use his belief since they don't like believers generally and many pretend science is somehow not compatible with faith in God, as motivation to move away from Newton's "gravity model" at least for more perspective.
(May 21, 2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Obsessed Changemaker, Engineer, Innovator, + Scientist
(Physics and science, Scicom, Gravity, Antigravity)

The weakness of the "rising Hydrogen being lost into space somewhere" model is quite funny and doesn't work very well. It also conflicts with mass/gravity models and current EM models as well. For a group of people claiming they irrefutably know what is happening at the core of the sun where they have never been, they sure have a weak idea about Hydrogen at the edge of the Atmosphere and even Aurora Borealis where it is very easy to go and where we have been plenty of times.

(June 18, 2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian.
(Physics and science, Black Space Toilets)

Phoney black hole space toilets to nowhere are not the construct of galactic cores and the recent 2D hologram power ranger rings cover up has got to be the most thrilling of cataclysmic comic book climax comedy stories in all scientific history.
(May 23, 2017)
Thomas,B. Engineer, Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Obsessed Changemaker
(Physics and science, Thermo)

The so called law of thermodynamics is a complete joke and an absolute failure. Firstly it's a so called law made up by men about the way the universe supposedly functions, not by God. Men didn't make the universe and decide it's laws, even aethiests don't think that, God made the universe and all of it's laws. We can see in a number of places with the naked eye how thermo fails, and it's merely a theoretical model that can not be proven regardless any more or less than claiming and trying to prove that God doesn't exist or does exist. In fact, the fundamental construct of this so called law requires conditions that are impossible to achieve in the Universe and in fact completely contrary to it's basic workings and forces according to our current knowledge.
(May 23, 2017)
Thomas,B. Engineer, Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Obsessed Changemaker
(Physics and science, Scicom, Thermo)

The so called law of thermodynamics is perhaps the worst failure by Scicom, even worse is their mindless-zombie-acolyte like defense of it though one could say this about countless claims by Scicom. By the time they finish the thought to begin opening their mouths to attempt to defend any experiment to try and prove it, in just that tiny timeframe, every part of it will have been already failed in real physics not just in that experiment, but in every part of the universe. In fact, Scicom clearly recognizes this in a number of their "unrelated topic" claims. Consistency is a virtue, one Scicom should try before their own wildly arrogant and absolutely hypocritical claims of "prove-it!". (May 23, 2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Obsessed Changemaker, Engineer, Innovator, + Scientist
(Physics and science, Thermo)

The so called law of thermodynamics is in fact not a law, nor even a sensible guide. It is nothing but a blinder to everything astrophysics, energy physics, and general physics. It is however a fantastic joke among quality engineers and among those on the other side of the table across from Scicom. One day certainly it will be a cute joke about the history of and to all of humanity. We used to have laws making it illegal to hang men's and women's underpants side by side on the same clothing line. That similarly man-made law didn't last either and was destined for the same fate. (May 23, 2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Obsessed Changemaker, Engineer, Innovator, + Scientist
(Physics and science, Thermo)

The man made make believe phoney so called "laws" of thermo and conservation are not laws but merely simple yet incorrect guides, overlays for children to better understand how energy flows and transfers. I can not see it being appropriate to teach children these lies however, it is better even to teach them the whole story and have them forget some of it. (June 3/2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, and aspiring Philanthropist
(Physics and science, Scicom, EM, Elec, Energy)

Most of Scicom lives in a strange fantasy universe where things like electromagnetism and electricity practically don't even exist and are never a thought, or even outright denied to have any effects at all on anything. To them energy is not in all things and through all things as God said, but instead there is a phoney "vaccum of space" and strangely limited closed environments and space toilets to nowhere where energy can't escape which all don't actually exist. It is no wonder they are so blinded their own denials and then their endless religious-like cult lies to cover up their previous radical phoney propagandas exposed to be wrong as usual.
(May 21, 2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Obsessed Changemaker, Engineer, Innovator, + Scientist
(Physics and science, Energy)

What is absolutely shocking and at the same time such an utterly dissappointing reveal in how lacking in intelligence the human race is, is that anyone would ever even consider that we would ever need to go to mine the moon for something like Helium-3
(May 21, 2017)
Thomas,B. Engineer, Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Obsessed Changemaker
(Physics and science, Energy)

No race in the universe will ever be so totally devoid of intelligence as to make a Dyson sphere.

Even if there are a million additional races in the Galaxy, there is no such thing in the universe as a Dyson sphere and not one of them will ever be so unintelligent as to make one. It is absolutely not necessary and is a completely obsolete and insanely inefficient method of making power. IF someone ever attempted to build a superstructure to use any of the many energies from the sun, it would be for a completely different purpose than solar radiation absorption. However most of those options could be made in much smaller more convenient sizes without the recklessness of such a model. Managing problems with the sun or terraforming is a more realistic possibility, however by then other options will be available like merely going ...... well well. A new design. (May 25/2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, + Scientist
(Physics and science, Energy)

Scicom makes no connection between "energy loss" and "energy gain" at the fundamental levels. It seems they have missed totally what those levels even are. It's not a surprise when they are still claiming the sun is made of fusion at a core they have never been to. The same fools just announced that they have "discovered" that earth has a whole new layer they previously didn't know about. So much for relying on their continual insistencies and claims and trumpeting that their "science" should not be questioned and "the debate is over". Their closed minds and back patting closed attitude crony peer review structures could never result in breakthrough as has not for hundreds even thousands of years yet shown. (May 28/2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, + Scientist
(Physics and science, Scicom, Energy)

I don't see that Scicom understands energy. How could you ever think highly of any Trillions funded crony group claiming that it is somehow impossible to make something, and for all of them combined has absolutely no clue whatsoever how to make something, go in a circle. (May 28/2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, + Scientist
(Physics and science, Energy)

In this Universe, God, and thus the physics of energy, are truly...Resonant . (May 28/2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, + Scientist
(Physics and science)

Someone should get Scicom to begin work on the physics of the spirit. Beginning with the spirit rising and then returning to the body in after-death experiences. The research should not be in attempts on denial of it, nor in trying to ignore it by trying to write it into the current construct of QM QP and Biomechanical and Bioelectrical physical effects connected to the body, brain, and neurological connections, but rather the actual physics of the "separate being" energy state that we have all observed conclusively and clearly away from the body. Such research should not be merely confined to theoretical guess, but every possible effort to quantifyably asses, measure, test, and learn as much as possible about this "spiritual energy state" (May 23, 2017)
Thomas,B. Engineer, Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Obsessed Changemaker, + Scientist
(Physics and science, Conserv)

The so called law of conservation of energy is wrong. Firstly is it not a law of the universe it is merely a so called law made up by a few guessing men. They guessed wrong.

It is not a law from the bible either. God can make all the energy God wants to, and made it all in the beginning as well and possibly has been making it ever since. And actually, so can we. In fact major systems have already been made that show it in totality. Einstein discussed it as well, and so did Tesla, Maxwell, Farady, and Plank. On the other hand Scicom pretends as if energy just dissipates or goes away somewhere and they 'lose the trail' ("it just transfers") and it is for some reason no longer quantified. It is treated almost as if it is destroyed contrary to what they said. It is seemingly not, and if it isn't than I should get a Nobel prize for these "New discoveries" (really should, though the other 99% of it is not spoken of here) on both ends of it, but since it completely contradicts what Scicom is preaching and persecuting anyone speak against, I am sure it would not be given, or re-worked to be given to another. I could easily point to other people's already extensive works on other areas that in by-product create results for these studies that already prove it beyond any shadow of doubt to "peers" or shall we say "the cronies" and even their own works. In fact Scicom has spent Billions in unrelated works proving it and announcing it to the world but they just didn't realize that's what they were saying as a byproduct of the unrelated projects.

Scicom has always worked hard to try to put man made limitations on everything in science and physics and thus the human development potential. "Conserv" is completely contradicted as well totally in other fundamentally base line and accepted parts of physics which are also considered to be "laws". Both of these two constructs contradicting each other are doomed to be replaced. Will Scicom get a pass as usual, rewarded with "a new discovery" and Nobel prizes and more funding to attack anyone with critical opposition as they slowly re-write a gentle pass for their wrongs and insistancies and corrupt cronies who persecuted anyone who challenged it (rather challenged them)? Scicom has become a corrupt old boys club of back patters and favor handers among networks of "peer review" and funding salesmen woven into politics at the University-community levels. Even Hawking was not the first to discover "radiation leaving a galactic core" The first man with a telescope good enough to see a few galaxies discovered it with his naked eyeball and half a mind of sense. (May 24, 2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Obsessed Changemaker, Engineer, Innovator, + Scientist
(Physics and science, Vaccum)

There is no such thing as "the vaccum", in free space. It simply doesn't exist. It is no different than if a door ripped off an airplane at 10,000 Meters up. Someone who doesn't know much about the universe will call that a vaccum as well. It's no different in function.
(May 23, 2017)
Thomas,B. Engineer, Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Obsessed Changemaker
(Big space fart)

Scicom claims that background radiation is the smoking gun of the so called and non existant and Scicom itself proven didn't happen 'big bang'. It is nothing but a fraud, a scapegoat, a fall guy.

Support for the 'big bang' model in Scicom has been waining for a number of reasons as we learn more about the universe and how it is actually behaving completely contrary to 'big bang' models. In beginner physics one learns as is taught that background radiation is the sum slush fund pool of all radiation or energy of the universe. It is the "ambient room temperature" of the universe, increasing or decreasing as energy is well.. created or "destroyed"? (or transformed). Now it has become their scapegoat to point at as somehow a smoking gun that the universe was much hotter so that proves a big bang, and it is being sold to us as a "Godless big bang". It is nothing but a fleeting petty excuse "he did it" type of culprit to point at when they have been cornered and a new cult to preach to fool people. After any type of beginning including a bang which no one was there to see, there would of course be an ambient "temperature". They can no more see nor measure this separately to today with accuracy than they can measure the number and color of socks you have in your house from their house without a real time camera. Also, when God said "let there be light" I think common sense should say that it may just be pretty spectacular. If there was a big bang type beginning, which I don't see any reason to conclude in science, then it would lend more much more evidence to the "Let there be light" event assumption than not. (May 24, 2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Obsessed Changemaker, Engineer, Innovator, + Scientist
(Physics and Energy, Big space fart)

The Universe will never collapse as the big space fart modelists claim. There is no basis for it in factual evidence and in fact the total opposite can be measured and is common sense based on the way energy works. Unless something new occurs, the universe is definitely on a one way infinite expansion.
(June 18, 2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian.
(Physics and science, EQ)

God seems to have put everything in the physical universe encircling one another, at odds yet reliant on one another, both in total harmony yet in chaotic flow from the Galactic superstructures and Galactic cores to the DNA double helix, at rest in incredible Grace to re-formed in complete destructive power. God is a thinking man's being, the innovator ultimate. (May 23, 2017)
Thomas,B. Engineer, Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Obsessed Changemaker, + Scientist
(Physics and science, EQ)

Imbalance is such a wonderful key, it is a shame Scicom knows nothing about it. I now love "being out of balance" with the world of men and their phoney world of "limitation physics." (May 28/2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, + Scientist
(Physics and science, EQ)

The natural state of all things is complete equilibrium. God separated the waters, pushing it out of this state when God said "let there be light". It is not only kept out of this state to date, but in the very physics of the universe all things are impossible to exist outside of equilibrium going up to the biggest scale, until it is decidedly pushed. (May 23, 2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Obsessed Changemaker, Engineer, Innovator, + Scientist
(Physics and science, Scicom, Climate)

The IPCC and Scicom claims that the sun has no meaningful effect on earth climate and doesn't cause earthquakes, yet their own evidence provides complete incontrovertible proof that they are dead wrong.
(May 23, 2017)
Thomas,B. Engineer, Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Obsessed Changemaker
(Climate Change, Air Pollution, Energy Lack)

Climate Change, Air Pollution, and Energy Lack of all types are days numbered dead, and I am their terminal new super-disease, slowly growing root like a cancer-polyp in their smokey lungs and blackened corrupt hearts. (May 28/2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, + Scientist
(Physics, Revenance)

(Said with Blood tingling confidence & a shit eating grin, twitching & vibrating with knowledge now)

"3,553. You have no idea what I am going to do to this world. And no one even sees it coming."

(Feb 14,2020)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, + Scientist
(Physics, Perspective, Science)

"I HATE #pollution. But the greatest thing Pollution ever gave us, was #CO2.

#Farmers #EmergingMarkets #Poor #UndevelopedNations #Impact #SocialEnterprise #GreeningEarth #CROPS #Underdogs #EnergyPoverty #Technology #Development #Industry #Jobs #Water
#CHANGE THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!"

(Feb 14,2020)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, + Scientist
(Physics, Perspective, Science)

"Some people in scicom were just talking about the "heat capacity of CO2" stating: 'Degrees of freedom are comprised of translational, vibrational, and rotational ranges of motion.' Boy should these guys really talk to the 2D chalk board EMC2 guys. Its too bad they forgot all the others however. Be sure to include them too one decade when you finally actually do it. :D

These slandering establishment totalitarians who hate more than anything, anyone who has new ideas & doesn't just hand them over for 'judgement' & takeover by their moralless corrupt cabals after erasing the creator first & putting their name on it instead of course, really hate when you say that EMC2 is wrong.

Are You a scicom acolyte? EMC2 is WRONG. Not just a little wrong, COMPLETELY WRONG. In FACT, it has NOTHING to do with measuring the TRUE energy value, of EITHER objects in motion, & especially & even more so, objects at "true rest". Good luck to you acolyte. Boy do you ever need it.

(Feb 26,2020)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Student Infinitum, Economic Obsessifus, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian. FULL CHARGER!!!!
(Physics, Perspective, Science)

T: "Any child can "prove EMC2 is wrong", as they live in it's wrong every moment of their lives.. "

Establishment echo chamber: "Please Do!"

T: "Vrooom! that sure wen't over your head! :D
In fact in motions you were describing though not showing, they achieved it on their own without you. Oh well, ask the next child you find what's the difference between a line on a chalkboard and them skating down the road. They'll teach you."

Establishment echo chamber: "As "long as there is an imbalance", analog as in joule expansion"

T: "What do you mean "as long as?" :D

(Jan 21,2020)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, + Scientist
(Physics, Perspective, Science)

"There is nothing more romantically intoxicating than the deliciously & positively inquisitive mind of Einstein, the Physics of the Created Universe, the Miraculous observance of all things flowing of Nikola, & the Brilliant discovery of the Question of the mind of REAL, intelligence."

(April 28,2020)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Student Infinitum, Economic Zippergeneer, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian, FULL CHARGER!!!
(Physics, Perspective, Science)

"Math is a tool. It is the measuring tape for nature. Nothing more. It assists in the observation & learning about what Physics is & does. But it is but a measuring tape only, to be thrown away, not needed at all for understanding, & can easily distract the mind of a Child."

(May 24, 2020)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Student Infinitum, Economic Zippergeneer, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian, FULL CHARGER!!!
(Physics, Perspective, Science)

"Physics does NOT follow a math equation" The wearers of purple garbs run around with their fake authority & fake equations trying to chase Physics. It is miraculous Only, how they have failed Completely, Again & Again & Again."
Physics FACTS.
Not "Physics FAKES."

(May 24, 2020)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Student Infinitum, Economic Zippergeneer, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian, FULL CHARGER!!!
(Physics, Perspective, Science)

"It is but a FakeNews FRAUD these CORRUPT Establishment claims of supposedly 'Math predicted'. Like as if someone asked the tape measure & then the tape measure not the people observed it just said 'right here is a planet'. It is of course a Sales tale of Frauds, Liars, & Fakes."

Statement made in regards to establishment parrot saying:
"Its not trying to make a fact. The fact would be to observe the prediction that you make using it - like how they discovered Neptune.. They predicted it would be there with maths, and when they looked- it was there!"

(May 24, 2020)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Student Infinitum, Economic Zippergeneer, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian, FULL CHARGER!!!
(Physics, Perspective, Science)

"Scicom has LIED to an endless number of people that supposedly Neptune can not be seen with the naked eye. I went outside and looked, and there it was. They are lying to us not just about a few things, but nearly EVERYTHING. I believe now, I know now, as much as they CAN."

(May 24, 2020)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Student Infinitum, Economic Zippergeneer, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian, FULL CHARGER!!!
(Physics, Perspective, Science)

".... ROFL & .
1. You need to go talk to "the 3 branches of NON-UNIFIED physics", which you don't know about, who are arguing such among the FAKE construct club u are aligning yourself with as stating incorrectly that none of these 3 exist. You will find they do.
2. 'isnt there' LOL.
3. 'If it isn't there when you aren't measuring, then it won't be there when you measure.' This statement forgets the fact that your measurement may be interfering with or causing the result measured.
4. If the 'electron' isn't there, then it's not there at all. If Scicom claims it's both there & not there, that's called A LIAR.

In response to the corrupt establishment comments of:
"Well, the wave / particle duality has been confirmed by scientists over the globe for decades. It shows the electron is a cloud of probability and not a particle - so the electron isn't there until you measured where it was anyway..."

(May 24, 2020)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Student Infinitum, Economic Zippergeneer, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian, FULL CHARGER!!!
(Physics, Perspective, Science)

"Physics FACTS:
1. It means EVERYTHING
3. It IS the Progress of Understanding
4. It IS the context.
5. There is ZERO scientific evidence of "Maths" being the creative decider & not actually mere measurement of FUNCTION.
6. The "Wavicle" is a fairly new concedence by the so called 'particle physicists'
7. "Probability" is an idea, not a physical observance or status. An object is present or it is not. An object is not "a mathematical probability only while you are present" unless we are talking about a very specific set of functions in physics like "interdependent harmonic influence"

(In response to the corrupt establishment comments of:)

'Just saying god supercedes the equations means absolutely nothing. It doesnt progress any understanding. It doesnt matter without context.
It certainly seems as though god's design and matter within is guided by the underlying maths we have discovered.
Well, the wave / particle duality has been confirmed by scientists over the globe for decades. It shows the electron is a cloud of probability and not a particle - so the electron isn't there until you measured where it was anyway...'

(May 24, 2020)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Student Infinitum, Economic Zippergeneer, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian, FULL CHARGER!!!
(Physics, Perspective, Science)

"It's just that we can put a measuring tape anywhere, so that must mean that the measuring tape created it!"(satire)

(In response to the corrupt establishment comments of:)
Math creates the laws of physics, Its just that maths is seen everywhere in nature. Fibonacci for example.

(May 24, 2020)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Student Infinitum, Economic Zippergeneer, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian, FULL CHARGER!!!
(Physics, Perspective, Science)

"Best physics tweet of the week (I separated it into points)
""1. Air has zero apparent weight
2. Gas pressure p is not caused by weight mg
3. P is caused by change of momentum mv
4. Gas Pressure = J/m³
5. At a surface eg liquid barometer
6. P = N/m²""

What is so great about it is how wrong it is, & of course the alternative

For 1. Just don't tell that to your gas salesman :D
For 2. Just don't tell that to your gas suspension repairman :D
For 3. Just dont tell that to your Breakthrough CleanEnergy Innovator

For 4. Gas pressure equals, what? tell me later I'm investigating the actual physics of "Gas Pressure"
For 5 :D see #1&2
For 6: see 2

All 6 go out the window however when adding electricity or exposing it to or the flow of, of course. So limited in thinking are the models of man, of scicom & it's corrupt Scientific Totalitarian complex deliberately created with which to control & hold back the parts of humanity they want to, those who may have a chance to rise to levels like them where they would not actually be in control of. This is the main barrier of all scientific advancement. It is not funding, not science, not the complexities of physics, but the greed, the greed of a few elitist men with great power and money who don't want to live in any other world than one in which they themselves completely control it all."

(June 7, 2020)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Student Infinitum, Economic Zippergeneer, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian, FULL CHARGER!!!
(Physics, Perspective, Science)

"Why does the establishment of Purple garb wearing Rockefeller propaganda books always claim "weight" is only one direction of a possible 360? But then we don't even live in that 360. We live in a sphere interacting with all of the others in so many ways that the mind loses Eye."

(June 7, 2020)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Student Infinitum, Economic Zippergeneer, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian, FULL CHARGER!!!
(Physics, Perspective, Science)

"There is nothing like the created physics world of the creator of all things. It's engineering is beyond imagine, every tool of design magnificent & foundation completely hidden despite so many tools & footings seen. My blood tingles at the sight of it's interconnection. Yours?

(June 7, 2020)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Student Infinitum, Economic Zippergeneer, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian, FULL CHARGER!!!
(Physics, Perspective, Science)

"To attempt to measure the speed of light is one thing, but to create it, is entirely something else.
Scicom claims it is impossible. In fact they have even made up a so called law that it is impossible, however God said it into action. Their claim that it is thus a law is but a spit in the direction of God in a boundless universe in which their scoff is but meaningless & without even the tiniest grain of sand of fictitious authority. Their law is NOT the law of anything in fact. Anyone looking at things with the mind of God, can also create it as well. In fact, we do so just by thinking."

(June 9, 2020)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Student Infinitum, Economic Zippergeneer, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian, FULL CHARGER!!!
(Innovation and Technology)

The Vast majority of Technological Innovation is born in the Small Private Innovator Marketplace. It is not made in the complacency, cronyism, warm fuzzy big salary 9-5 security and comfort of government handout money, massive egos and wastefulness of the government-university funded establishment complexes, but among the people and the dreamers and the active and busy minded, by the ADHD cases who you can't force to be a 9-5er but more likely by those who stare at the stars until 4am, work until midnight on their creations and small businesses, and by those who don't fit inside the boxes of man's pop cult society, and don't even want to. It is made by the outsiders, the outliers, the non-conformists to pop-culture and government and scicom well-trained subservience. These people are by vast majority not supported even when they win awards, not funded, not helped, not looked for not even by VC and Angels and certainly not "infotech brain "investors". I have watched them all my life in every nation I have been to. From Multi-Geneva convention award winners to the "best patent" winners to startup competition winners to TechStar event winners, to makerspace pitches to global energy fairs exhibitions to hundreds of government pitches. If they don't fit in the corporate crony and establishment box, no one helps these people, no one. There doesn't even have to be any suppression nor conspiracies, no one will help them, who would actually help these people? Society is blinded and think it is or would be occurring and would occur, but it still is not, and we all know it has not.
We need to break this system and embrace the truely powerful and creative minds and artists of advancement, and these people I have witnessed all my life, will never fit in the 9-5 capital markets and government expectation boxes. That's one of the things that usually makes them innovative and different in thinking is that unique perspective and life where they can see differently than the others and realize the contrasts. This is meant to be no empowerment for anarchists and the so often immature self-worshipping anti-moralists, but what I have seen is the truely noble innovators often don't want to be a part of man's society anyway due to it's near totale corruption to in the business and government worlds often seemingly near to the last person standing, or lying.

(Oct 27, 2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Student Infinitum, Economic Obsessifus, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian.
(Innovation and Technology)

"One of the main but many reasons that the vast majority of significant discoveries in physics and energy and their related technologies and applications has been made by Christians or strong believers in God, is that their minds and perspectives are much more open and humble and bigger in thinking to the depths and largesses and relation to all things when having to think from the point of full acceptance about not only the existence of and the vastness of the mind of God but the beginnings of seeing relation to all the things God said in the Creation Physics aspect and then this stretched far beyond the average denier or God-hater's textbook capacity viewpoint begins to occur.

One of the second main reasons is that once you begin thinking this way, and especially living this way, God helps."

(Oct 26, 2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Student Infinitum, Economic Obsessifus, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian.
(Innovation and Technology)

People who don't know the power of thinking big ask me all the time:
"Wow Thomas how can you innovate and relate things together so fast?"
I often answer them with "God is the original and Ultimate Innovator and lateral application maker. If you want to know how to do this, you should get to know God and think about God and understand God and how God's mind works. Then you will begin to know just how many things God innovated and had to make work laterally all at the same time to make this all hang in it's perfect imbalance."

(Oct 26, 2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Student Infinitum, Economic Obsessifus, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian.
(Innovation and Technology)

"Innovation (God) never sleeps, never takes a vacation, and never dies. It is Infinite, always occurring, always happening, always progressing, and always is Electric."

(Oct 26, 2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Student Infinitum, Economic Obsessifus, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian.
(Innovation and Technology)

People with no imagination ask me all the time:
"Wow Thomas how did you make so much technology, where is your laboratory?"
I often answer them with "What? I am in it now, I never left it. The Creator's Universe is the Ultimate Laboratory in the Ultimate Maker's Space."

(Oct 26, 2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Student Infinitum, Economic Obsessifus, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian.
(Innovation and Technology)

Einstein said:
"Imagination is much more important and much more powerful than knowledge."
Isn't it interesting how when this is the new God of scicom, second only to themselves and their own completely broken and non-functional imaginations in the energy space, that they act that only knowledge, and only then their knowledge not yours, is of any value. Not only this but they then act as if imagination not only has no value but no place in the world especially if it contradicts their claims. It is no wonder then why they cling to his non-updated left at death failed 2D constructs of chalkboard mathematics which bear no reality on the very much 3D Creator's Universe.

(Oct 26, 2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Student Infinitum, Economic Obsessifus, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian.
Think and Perspective in Science
(Perspective in Startup, Investment, World Economic Development)

The Ultimate question to be asked from the "Einstein's 55 minutes" in the context of the Future Global Economic Development perspective is: Are the benefits from me trying an immediate funding of the Small Private Innovators, potentially worth my very small controlled risk?

(June 19/2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian.
(Perspective in Technology, Science, God, Research, Ego, Opinion, Mentality)

Philosophy I have found, is incredibly important in understanding physics and energy. I would say that the flat-earthers are much better philosophers than those in scicom for they are willing to consider the what-ifs and what-they-don't-knows and the what if they are wrongs and what if everyone is wrongs? Scicom is the new radical narcissistic foaming at the mouth aggro egotist of Scientific un-discovery. Today a man claiming he was a philosophy major told me what I supposedly think, that he is concerned with evidence and fact, not in possibility and opportunity, and what has been done already not what can be done or will be. He is the exact opposite of a philosopher and exactly what philosophy courses are designed to break in a man, is the hyper-ego of self-opinion worship, judgement, fast easy accusations, and self-service. There is no what-if I'm wrong in the man's mind. It's as if he is lying about spending even 5 minutes in a philosophy class as he practices no form of philosophy. I asked him a quiz, to list the most important questions in philosophy, and beginning with those that are designed to destroy the ego and your own self-opinion. He refused to accept the excersize not surprisingly and calling it "a waste of time he will stick to the facts" :D

It turns out that I am quite a philosopher, and with energy as well, but seeing this man, has made me realize even more so the incredible importance of philosophy in my energy discovery, self-improvement, knowledge gain, and overall understanding and life. When I mentioned this realization to him he also responded "wow you would really suck at philosophy."

I would say that these are the most important questions in philosophy for starters..
- What if I'm wrong?
- Do I know everything about everything, or about this? what might I not know?
- How often do I say I don't know, and how willing and how comfortable am I to say it to others?
- What don't I see here? What might I be missing? What else could there be? What else could maybe work?
- Forget the rules, what else is there outside of those rules? Forget my rules, what else is there outside my rules and my opinions and my paradigms?
- What if I'm wrong?
- What alternatives might there be that others have not considered? and I have not?
- What are all the scenarios that I would like assuming I was and now am completely wrong, and yesterday I found out what I knew was wrong and could not be the answer?
- What are the new ideas I am pursuing to learn about right now that are different to my paradigm?
- What things have broken my personal thought paradigms before? and why? what happened?
- When did I have a closed mind in the past and how did that happen? How can I make sure it doesn't happen again? How comfortable am I talking to others about it not thinking to teach them to open their mind but questioning everything I know in that moment?
- What are all the ways that I could possibly be wrong?
- Do experts know more than me? or do I know more than them? Did I make a decision on that? Philosophers will continue on two endless train tracks asking both and never concluding on either.
- Is experience above my opinion? how many years of experience do people need to have before it is above my "opinion?"
- What if I'm wrong?...what else could there be?
- Am I on differing endless tracks of the mind in a number of directions, impartially and seeking with the mind into new places I have never been?

I now will add more philosophy in expanding my mind in all new directions in energy and try never to allow myself to become like this man's mind is today. I hope he is different tomorrow, and I hope if so that he realizes he is different than yesterday.

Einstein's multi-positional perspective viewpoints trying to get into the mind of God and understand it, I greatly feel close to. Einstein was a good philosopher, it is such a shame that scicom has so completely abandoned his methods and open mind about all things energy possible creation.

(June 27/2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian.
(Think and perspective)

If you're going to think at all, think big. If you're going to think big or think at all, than why not think differently than everyone else?
(May 21, 2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Obsessed Changemaker, Engineer, Innovator, + Scientist
(Physics and science, Think and perspective)

We see everything with such limited perspective and only with the human eyes, from inside the confines of both Scicom limitations and a super-strong Geomagnetic field which is an incredibly rare environment in the universe. It is no wonder Scicom can't figure it out. Conceptually, Alien eyes for example may not see the fabric of space as being black. What then?
(May 21, 2017)
Thomas,B. Engineer, Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Obsessed Changemaker
(Think and perspective)

The more I learn the more I learn. It is like a never ending cycle of new curiosity that has become an obsession for answers and knowledge with new questions to ask. I hope it never ends.
(May 21, 2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Obsessed Changemaker, Engineer, Innovator, + Scientist
(Perspective in counter-science)

Perspective is not only a gift, but the most powerful of tools, and even a so called "wrong one" can bring about incredible useful benefits.

(June 19/2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian.
(Perspective in counter-science)

All solutions to problems without one, is hidden in what we don't know or behind what we think we know, but are wrong.

(June 19/2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian.
(Perspective in counter-science)

If you are wrong about one thing, but it helps you solve a problem in another thing, the first one didn't matter, you are nothing short of victorious. It doesn't matter as long as this perspective allowed me to see new systems of design that were usable in technology. Strangely, I have seldom been wrong, I expected to be wrong a lot, perhaps my mind is quite open to just learning what I don't know.

(June 19/2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian.
(Perspective in Startup)

Someone came to me and wanted to make an electric car startup but he had no knowledge nor experience of anything required for business nor electrics at all. Most people would say something nasty to him, but ultimately I know anyone with the right mindset or even an incredibly determined uneducated fool could eventually still do it to some level of success. Though I wouldn't advise it and would advise against it. It's better for results to stick to what you know and love and what you are obsessed about in a problem that needs solving.

(June 19/2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian.
(Physics and science, Think and perspective)

Someone called me distorted and it set my mind alight with discovery. Equilibrium is an unimaginably powerful force in the universe. And "someone" set it out of balance on purpose. (May 23, 2017)
Thomas,B. Engineer, Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Obsessed Changemaker, + Scientist
(Physics and science, Think and perspective)

I never would have imagined that my great love for Equilibrium and Distortion would have come from an abusive person calling me Distorted. I now look back on this moment with great pleasure and love, for I have been drunkenly lovesick with these two properties ever since.

(May 23, 2017)
Thomas,B. Engineer, Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Obsessed Changemaker, + Scientist
(Think and perspective, Scicom)

We can not solve the greatest challenges of humanity looking through the same narrow little viewpoints, scientific cults, ideologies, or hierarchical crony missions that got us stuck for centuries having to live without the solutions we needed which we created and that were ignored or denied due to those insisted upon viewpoints.
(May 23, 2017)
Thomas,B. Engineer, Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Obsessed Changemaker
(Physics and science, Think and perspective, Energy)

Scicom is so bad at making good batteries because they still don't even understand what the anode is in the universe. If they ever read the bible, they will know.
(May 21, 2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Obsessed Changemaker, Engineer, Innovator, + Scientist
(Think and perspective, Physics)

God Said "Let There Be Light" and separated the waters. And God kept it this way, and so far as we can see in physics it will always be this way until God decides differently. God did not say "Let there be Light temporarily and then collapse upon itself, rinse repeat."

(June 18, 2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian.
(Physics and science, Think and perspective)

Do you think it is funny how Scicom doesn't even understand Black? I sure do. It affects my eyes, doesn't it affect yours? This train from a physics perspective, is incredible. You should buy a ticket, get on, and take a ride sometime as far as the train may lead you. The moment you buy the ticket you will be further than Scicom has travelled. (May 23, 2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Obsessed Changemaker, Engineer, Innovator, + Scientist
(Physics and science, Think and perspective)

Someone said what goes up must come down, and I responded "No you just didn't send it "high" enough." (May 24/2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, + Scientist
(Physics and science, Think and perspective)

Someone else said what goes up must come down, and I responded "No you just didn't put the right thing underneath it, or around it." (May 28/2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, + Scientist
(Physics and science, Think and perspective)

Someone else said what goes up must come down, and I responded "No you just didn't send it fast enough, or speed it up enough in this way or that." (June 21/2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian.
(Physics and science, Think and perspective)

Someone else said what goes up must come down, and I responded "Whose up? Mine or yours, or God's? Which way is Up for God? Did you turn the up upside down and see? What happens if you spin it really hard or send it on a wobble?" (Oct 26/2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian.
(Physics and science, Think and perspective)

A child said to me rain comes from clouds and I stopped and said in awe and shocked realization of both the realization of what it meant and all the possibilities that can follow, and also of my rebuke to the child, saying, "No, no it doesn't". (May 25/2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, + Scientist
(Physics and science)

I wrote this quote of mine on my website "A child said to me rain comes from clouds and I stopped and said in awe and shocked realization saying, "No, no it doesn't". and immediately I had made my 1,208th New Energy Tech, massive ocean power generation, and also a 1,209 river version. (May 25/2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, + Scientist
I am now often wondering where all the quality real engineers are. I don't think I'm such a great engineer, but I made 1,280 New Technologies. In a world distracted by 3 entire generations x,y, and the mememelennials mindlessly glued to fb, the twits, games, porn, and the blind to the real world consumerist mentality, there seem to be too few minds focusing on what should be done and needs to get done. The evidence? I have 1,280 New techs when someone like me shouldn't have ever even had the chance to be the one who made any of them.

(June 15/2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian.
(Think and perspective)

Has anyone seen my Impossible? I lost mine, and then I found many others. (June 2, 2017)
Thomas,B. Engineer, Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, and aspiring future Philanthropist.
(Think and perspective)

"There is nothing more Beautiful to us Scientists, than a brand new idea, for the very first time, in all of the existence, of humanity. It is literally to experience a miracle delivered to us, by God." #AlphaOmegaEnergy.

April 28, 2020
Thomas,B. Engineer, Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, and aspiring future Philanthropist.
(Physics, Perspective, Science)

"I love that moment most in life when I am alight with a fantastic physics question & my mind touching the very footings of the universe of creation. It is an intoxication one can not describe but only share w' others who have experienced it which those haven't can only call Crazy.

(June 7, 2020)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Student Infinitum, Economic Zippergeneer, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian, FULL CHARGER!!!
(Physics, Perspective, Science)

Someone said:
"The amount of data created by the world annually is expected to balloon by 10 times plus, in the next decade. Scientists have predicted that, at this rate, the world will run out of data storage capacity in 181 years' time - even if every atom on earth were used to store data."

I respond to this with:
It is a fantastic physics question. One far beyond time of being asked.
The AlphaOmegaEnergy "Fusion for elements" project asked it long ago of the right source, & thus has received answer.

Isn't matter, such a fascinating form of data storage?
You almost have to wonder, if it's just all data in the mind if the creator. But of course, it is.

We need more elements. We need better "mining." The miners of old of course do not want this & would fight it. But there are 240 nations, many of which have no mining & actually prefer tech to cronyism.

June 7, 2020)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Student Infinitum, Economic Zippergeneer, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian, FULL CHARGER!!!
(Physics, Perspective, Science)

"What would you think if someone said ""I can make all the elements the world ever needed, in fact I have 5 different ways to do so. I have solved the world resource shortage problem entirely."" You would probably think it can't be real. If it was real, and IS real, imagine how that kind of thinking would literally destroy humanity's chance at it, and not just chance, but given destiny Today to have that reality.

Be careful what negative things you think when you are responding to innovation by great innovators. For you are not just being "skeptical" but you are in fact on the decision point of holding back all of humanity."

June 7, 2020)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Student Infinitum, Economic Zippergeneer, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian, FULL CHARGER!!!
(Physics, Perspective, Science)

"A good question is worth a thousand words. It will stop all of the intelligent men and alight their minds."

June 7, 2020)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Student Infinitum, Economic Zippergeneer, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian, FULL CHARGER!!!
(Physics, Perspective, Science)

"If you have truth then you accept the truth, then you receive the truth. The truth already exists, so, do we really create it?, or do we just discover it via God then entrusting us to handle it responsibly. Yes, it is so."

June 7, 2020)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Student Infinitum, Economic Zippergeneer, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian, FULL CHARGER!!!
(Physics, Perspective, Science)

"It's a fantastic question. Oh, it wasn't a question? :D
It should be. The mind of an inquisitive child might ask it.
'Perhaps' we should require children to be around asking why why why all the time beside all the children in the establishment called "Scicom" (Science command, science community.) You can only begin to imagine that for the first time since the 1940s that science may begin to progress again."

June 7, 2020)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Student Infinitum, Economic Zippergeneer, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian, FULL CHARGER!!!
(Physics, Perspective, Science)

"There seem to be in general only two modes to the human mind & advancement paradigm, either narcissism & insistence or the learning mental feeling for the path of least resistance of the electrical plasma of the interconnection to everything in the Universe including mind of God."

June 7, 2020)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Student Infinitum, Economic Zippergeneer, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian, FULL CHARGER!!!
(Physics, Perspective, Science)

Someone said this and I find it so Delicious...

""Molecules in a solid and liquid have bonds between molecules
Which transmit force and create weight on stationary surface (mg)

In gas there are no bonds between molecules*
At stationary surface we get change of momentum*
mv = pressure""

All of the establishment rhetoric is completely wrong, & this shows it. Nonetheless it is absolutely Delicious this angle and perspective of it's wrong. Both the FACT of it's correct in that there are theoretically "no bonds between gas molecules" which is such an important concept despite it's inaccuracy, And the concept of 'At stationary surface we get change of momentum'. This too is an important concept to understand deeply in the mind at all levels deep, however one must also realize they are wrong as well as so important.

In gas there Are "bonds" between molecules & easy to see them. Especially at different levels.
Also of Fantastic note which shatters current paradigms scicom can not understand, is very obviously, at high mv you get "inverted pressure" :D

If only humanity was looking in these places like I do & willing to fund who has been looking. What a world it would be."

June 7, 2020)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Student Infinitum, Economic Zippergeneer, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian, FULL CHARGER!!!
(University "technology")

Recently a government establishment mixed a known material with a nanocoat to then apply it to something. They then touted the benefits and said what it could potentially be used for. It however doesn't work whatsoever in this method without significant further engineering and the press on it was complete total HS pie in the sky claims, BS clickbait. They also claimed it would take them at least 5 years to commercialize this. I sent them an email asking for more information and letting them know I commercialized it already, which I have already done. They didn't respond at all. I have since designed a number of applications and systems from this and improved them many times already. This process mentally also bore more fruit of about 8 other technologies that day I first heard of it. I revisited it again and made something brand new they never thought of. I will instantly commercialize it and add it to my existing line of #1 in the World Power Production Solutions. Why Bill Gates will fund them for their endless wastes and not people like us for our instantaneous transferance and results, is something that needs to be investigated by humanity, for it is obviously a huge holdback on the human economic development potential. Why is there no funding by governments? Why none from private industry? Why no special purpose funds for this? Why no contests with REAL funding pools at the end of it like 10 million to commercialize and not some measly joke like $5,000? The world needs CHANGE not one single crappy little toy for 1,000 other useless make and manufacture nothing labcoats to poke prod and educate themselves on for 10 years before anyone invests a single dollar nor how to make a damn business and go make a damn sale.

(June 21, 2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian.

Possibilities beyond robotics are that we have less factory workers, cheaper goods, cheaper resources, we could have less hardship if we spread it around. Overcapacity could be redirected to needy nations that have human rights, rights and equality for women, free from barbarism or support for violence and lack of forgiveness. We will have to choose carefully who gets the support. Any regimes or cultures which tend to lean towards wanting to dominate, control, and oppress through violence, which strip basic freedoms and rights from people like privacy, speech on religious topics or controversial topics, or the rights of women to wear whatever they want, or have their God given body parts, or hands attached if they made a mistake, should not be supported at all. We will certainly have more abundant energy delivery faster due to robots and I will use them extensively. We could have more artists, more creative type jobs, more service industries, more leisure and tourism, more bodies for the job of going to develop undeveloped nations that will struggle without the availability of the factory jobs. We will have many new products however in the future. I have 1,320 to make that will be entire industries eventually, employing millions and ushering in new freedoms unprecedented. We will have more vibrant entertainment industries. We will have all the things we need to build to go into space faster, cheaper, and more easily duplicatable. I agree with Bill Gates that we should have a robot tax, and that the tax should go to these undeveloped nations' peoples on the ground into their hands, not money to their government's budgets. Especially when they become the ones affected by factory closures.

(June 21, 2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian.

Just like we have Carbon Credits, we should have Robo-Credits. Robo-Credits could be directed to low development peaceful high rights nations that trade fairly with the world and are truely more global cultures with clean open governments. Good Examples would be Ghana, Uganda, Zambia, Thailand, Laos, Myanmar, Timor, Papua New Guinea, but nations like Philippines and Cambodia needs the support to go to SME directly, bypassing all establishment for they have issues that should not be ignored and which World Bank is ignoring. Nations like Iran, Indonesia, Somalia, are far too repressive and regressive in culture to be supported. China is far too closed and far too one-sided to the world's people in trade, business, investment, and their #1 and #2 and #3 exports are corruption, fraudulent goods, and prostitution of all kinds. When instead their exports are clean open books, fairness, integrity, charity, honor, fair trade, and fair investment participation with the rest of the world, then they could become qualified also.

(June 21, 2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian.

Jack Ma said that in 30 years everyone will only be working 4 hours a day. This FAKE that contributes nearly zero whatsoever to any kind of charities, who doesn't support the orphans nor underpriviledged in his own nation, who scoffs at the thought of having to use renewable energy at his facilities while 2 million more of his own countrymen are piled up dead around his facilities each year just from breathing, over 20 million in just the last ten years dead in piles everywhere and he doesn't care one iota, who does zero charity in any other nation, who promotes and defends criminals and fraud goods sellers on his websites to steal and fraud all of the people of the world without repercussions and increasing levels of wealth and gain to do yet more damage at greater speed, this FAKE who doesn't even seem to understand that Myanmar has 32 MILLION people today living without electricity, just next door to him on his border. They will not be working just 4 hours a day no. Jack Ma and these FAKES like him and his FAKE goods and FAKE FACE culture, are completely not only out of touch with reality for real people, but he and those like him couldn't give a shit either. They should send Jack Ma to live in Rwanda for a month, with no phones, no electricity, no computers, and leave him there alone. In Myanmar in 30 years, there will still be people living with no electricity. See what he says after that one month in Rwanda. Scicom says you shouldn't be allowed to talk anything against what they say and that is HS. But this kind of crap shouldn't be allowed to be said about the future of humanity without looking at the most undeveloped people inside of it in that speech as mandatory ethical standard no less than it is not tolerated to speak outwardly racist commentary.

(June 21, 2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian.
(University "technology")

We don't make consumer gadgets for the rich. We make energy for the undeveloped nations like you should have done long long ago and should be out there helping them get and like you should be and should have been investing in. When all those people with peaceful loving cultures have power for development, THEN we will begin think about toys for the rich. Don't make us angry talking about before then. INVEST in lifting nations of good people, or DON'T TALK.

(June 23, 2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian.

There is one thing I really want almost as much as VICTORY. And it is, Faster. Faster thinking faster learning faster discovery faster well...Everything.

(July 29, 2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian.
SPI Market and Breakthroughs
(SPI market)

Innovators, unlike the corrupt crooked establishment cartels, only get one chance. They never get another one. While the failed pay for play criminal crony racketeering networks of public taxpayer rorting are allowed with endless impunity to lie to the funding boards, governments, medias, & public on Trillion dollar goosechases they know will never work, but never go to jail, the small private innovators if they ever said they could do something and then got the money and didn't do it, you know and I know and all know, no one will have any mercy & all will come to destroy this man and imprison him. The innovators will never stick their necks out on a maybe. There is no room in the allowances of the endlessly impune establishments for them to do so or ever make a mistake. There will be no quarter, there will be no mercy, there will be no second chance. If the innovator is sticking out his neck, he is right, or it will be chopped off. You figure it out. Don't waste our time false accusing them. Fund. Then see. Stop lying about the innovators. God never liked a liar.
(Feb 12/2020)
Thomas,B. Engineer, Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian
(SPI market)

The only thing the world needs to do to solve it's energy problem, which will as a byproduct also solve the water and food crises, is the same thing it has absolutely refused to do for the last 200 years; Fund it's small private energy innovators. I would of course prefer beginning with this one since it has 1,206 and time is of the essence.
(May 21, 2017)
Thomas,B. Engineer, Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Obsessed Changemaker
(Physics and science, Scicom, SPI Market)

The greatest innovator we ever had flatly rejected Scicom on numerous occasions, blazing his own trail and as result inventing and discovering things no one thought possible and in fact most of what all proceeding technologies were built on and with, and must function on to date.
(May 23, 2017)
Thomas,B. Engineer, Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Obsessed Changemaker
(Physics and science, SPI market)

Humanity disgracefully as a race let Tesla die alone, unfunded, unsupported. What is even a bigger disgrace is we clearly didn't learn anything from our failure to support him, and now "Tesla" is instead a crappy car company with some crappy solar panels. (not to take anything away from the company, but compared to the Real Tesla's innovations, the current one absolutely pales in comparison, and many people don't even know who the real Tesla is or anything about him, confused by the car company.) What is even more interesting and revealing is how Scicom completely ignores him and has practically written him completely out of every part of science education.
(May 23, 2017)
Thomas,B. Engineer, Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Obsessed Changemaker
(SPI Market)

I have now invented technologies that even Nikola Tesla would grab my hands and face and kiss my face and say Eureka! Good Job Brother! (May 28/2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, + Scientist
(SPI Market)

We have now entered the age of obsolescence, the age of enLIGHTenment. It's real beginning will be post-self-sustaining funding point of AOE, for after that only death could stop the fruition. (May 28/2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, + Scientist
(SPI Market, Breakthrough Technology)

With one technology I have obsoleted every other form of power generation that the entire world has to offer. And now I have done it numerous times. (May 28/2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, + Scientist
(SPI Market, Scicom)

Scicom has never really resulted in any significant breakthroughs in energy nor physics. Generally it has been those outside their sect who have done so, the private sector and the innovators in it and disproportionately the Small Private Innovators and researchers. At the same time they have and still do totally ignore and refuse to support and even attack vehemently any of those outside of their sect who have achieved significant breakthroughs, and especially those who would claim such and then not involve them in it. (May 28/2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, + Scientist
(SPI market, Scicom)

Why not speak the truth and speak out against Scicom BS? It's not like they are ever going to help us anyway, they don't ever help the SPI market and they won't start now. They would have long ago if they were ever going to. They have had every possible option to do so and did nothing but fraud everyone and leave those with the solutions to die and then even still leave their work and all it's benefits to humanity just lost or locked away. They help no one but themselves in this energy battle even as hold all the funding and all the solutions have been handed to them for a hundred years already by hundreds of people. They are a complete disaster an absolute joke a human disgrace like few have ever been seen before. They the ultimate in sleazy shameless contradictions snarling at everyone no less than the religiphists who locked up Galileo for even suggesting that he might break their "Impossible". (June 2, 2017)
Thomas,B. Engineer, Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, and aspiring future Philanthropist.
(SPI market, Scicom)

"Innovators, unlike the corrupt crooked establishment cartels, only get one chance. They never get another one. While the failed pay for play criminal crony racketeering networks of public taxpayer rorting are allowed with endless impunity to lie to the funding boards, governments, medias, & public on Trillion dollar goosechases they know will never work, but never go to jail, the small private innovators if they ever said they could do something and then got the money and didn't do it, you know and I know and all know, no one will have any mercy & all will come to destroy this man and imprison him. The innovators will never stick their necks out on a maybe. There is no room in the allowances of the endlessly impune establishments for them to do so or ever make a mistake. There will be no quarter, there will be no mercy, there will be no second chance. If the innovator is sticking out his neck, he is right, or it will be chopped off. You figure it out. Don't waste our time false accusing them. Fund. Then see. Stop lying about the innovators. God never liked a liar. (Apr 20, 2020)
Thomas,B. Engineer, Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, and aspiring future Philanthropist.
(Think and perspective)

When I rejected the Impossible of Scicom, I began to achieve the very Possible that Jesus told me of. (June 4, 2017)
Thomas,B. Engineer, Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, and aspiring future Philanthropist.

Hey Scicom. I broke all of your laws, I broke all of your rules, and I broke your phoney Impossible. Now what are you going to do. (June 18, 2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian.

Scicom is the ultimate collection of Neo-Luddites in human history. They and the toxic corrupt government and energy establishments are the only groups that exist in all humanity that claim vehemently that there are no technology solutions possible and everything in technology to possibly solve this problem is impossible, including every last possible solution and even every last of thousands of proven breakthroughs existing in the SPI market and their vast number of existing patents and applications for that are already in the market. (June 3/2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, and Radical Christian.
(Scicom, Technology)

Scicom is a raving pack of absolutely radical Neo-Luddites.

As technology advances all around us in instantaneous obsolescence in phones, computers, processors, internet, payment technology, servers, medicine, telecommunications, Scicom insists on their radical anti-observable physics cult that supposedly nothing else is possible in energy technology development. Further fueled by their so often fundings by their Toxic-corrupt government energy establishments and partners, Scicom has turned full-on turncoat traitor on humanity and the human development potential. The only thing that is Impossible is the level of absolutely closed mindedness of these people along with their insane level of fight for just that, together with any possible grain of truth to it's claim of such. The ultimate scam on humanity currently, is being perpetrated by the corrupt Government funded toxic-Energy / Scicom establishments. (June 12, 2017)
Thomas,B. Engineer, Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, and aspiring future Philanthropist.

These new Galileo killers are these radical pulpit fascist cult religionists like Neil Degrasse Tyson who state with ever increasing fervor that it should not be allowed to question Scicom. These frauds are trying to equate science as a factual material construct rather than a field of study in all of it's flaws. Despite the fact that no one has ever seen an atom nor can he even begin to describe what the source of gravity is, people like this insist that "science" is always right (meaning whatever these fascists like Tyson claim to be the time). At no other time in history perhaps has there been a time like today, where in fact the opposite is true, that nearly everything Scicom has claimed has been and is being shattered, re-written, adjusted, and new discoveries made which completely debunk the claims of these fascists who hard campaign against any critical thought. If they sent Degrasse Tyson back into Galileo's era, Tyson would probably have thinkers like him hanged. (June 3/2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, and aspiring Philanthropist

Scicom loves to claim that "people must prove it to them" if they have any claim or opinion otherwise to what Scicom says. This is despite the fact that they not proven most of the workings of modern physics they are claiming to everyone, especially theoretical and astrophysical, and have gotten nearly all of it wrong at least several times with near total consistency. Also, no one need prove anything to anyone. Every man is entitled to his silence or opinion and need not answer to anyone but God.
(May 23, 2017)
Thomas,B. Engineer, Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Obsessed Changemaker
(Physics and science)

Scicom is full of contradictions, and they fail themselves and the world by their total lack of any humility whatsoever. They also don't seem to exist to serve the world but rather put significant priority on their corrupt hierarchys and "internal religious sects" instead. Nearly everything they are speaking about in present day physics fails catastrophically inside just one arc. (May 23, 2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Obsessed Changemaker, Engineer, Innovator, + Scientist
(Scicom, Think and perspective)

Scicom and the corrupt government and energy establishments claim nothing is possible. Jesus said "Everything is Possible In Him Who Believes" I chose Jesus, which one did you choose? 1238. (June 4/2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Christian.
(Scicom, SPI market)

Any time I need a laugh, I just have to think of those hilarious yet insanely life threatening solar panels on the International Upper Atmosphere Lemon Station, their Billions a year spent constantly trucking up hydrogen to keep it from careening into its firey meteoric doom, the endless wastes in it's power train, and the lifeless Fuel Cell sitting on board used to make...water. A smile breaks on my face and I'll feel better already :D I have sent emails to Nasa, all of them not answered. I guess they are Not Available for Scientific Advancement. (June 3, 2017)
Thomas,B. Engineer, Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, and aspiring future Philanthropist.
(Scicom, Think and perspective)

Scicom's entire construct begins by indoctrinating from the youngest age that certain methods of approach, experiment, ways of thinking, theories, and especially questioning what they say is not only totally unacceptable but will be met with totality in rejection leading to real failure, strong conflict, lack of opportunity given, and total lack of advancement and acceptance. This construct is the very limitation of mankind, the very holdback on the human development potential. (May 28/2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, + Scientist

Scicom acts like science is over, like as if it is all known and all been done and all has been learned and figured out. This is despite daily technological advancements all over the world by the private sector and the SPI markets. They act like as if you should not question, have no right to rebuke, and have no place to doubt their ever changing claims. They act like they are the keepers of all knowledge and as if they are beyond reproach. Many of them are beginning to act no different than any cult leader drunk on their own cult and power with no accountability whatsoever. The truth however is we know incredibly little about the universe and about physics especially energy physics. The truth is science is just beginning, and science is NOT Scicom though they are trying to pretend such. Now that we have better methods of data recording, most of these Fascists will be shown by the public just how radically wrong they are in most of their theoretical claims they say everyone should blindly accept. (June 4/2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, and aspiring Philanthropist

Scicom is trying to re-paint and re-define science as if it's some form of a new religion in replacement for a creator God, and as if those in the science community are their priests and pastors beyond reproach, the new supposed almighty holders of all knowledge and authority that should never be questioned, doubted, nor rebuked nor held to account. This is a lie and a false construct.

Science is rather the endless field of study of all things in the creation universe and how they work together, and how we may use them for good purpose. Science itself in order to be true science REQUIRES as it's first priority completely neutral and humble endless scrutiny especially self-scrutiny of all of it's claims. Science to be true science requires at minimum to reject any authority claim nor position whatsoever as if humanity actually has any firm handle on any part of it, for that is the exact point upon which we are blind by decision to any new discovery, and upon which we enter not a state of service to the people, but the state of fascist dominion over it. Contrary to Scicom's lies, It is not the people who have any responsibility to prove anything to anyone. It is only the responsibility of Scicom to prove everything they claim to everyone, as they are the ones claiming they have any authority over such. (June 6/2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, and aspiring Philanthropist

Scicom gets their guesses so wildly wrong so often and with such incredible consistency it's nearly a certainty that anything they claim with any vigor you just know is going to be proven wrong in a few years if not already has been or can be with a few simple tests and perspective. It's funny but It's almost like as if God is playing a game with them and changing the rules after everything they claim. How can anyone get nearly everything they insist so wrong so consistently? And then what happens if God actually moves the puzzle pieces just once. Maybe we wouldn't even see it and just think it was something we missed. I'm sure Scicom would say such.
(June 18, 2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian.

Today there is a very real battle even for the definitions and characterizations of "science". It has changed from any independent neutral study of what might be and what we can possibly learn about the creation universe, to groups of people trying to rip this from the people and change it into a decided cult propaganda with both very religious and political aims and agendas steeped in financial funding, business, contracts, special interests, and social programming interests. (June 4/2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, and aspiring Philanthropist
(Scicom, Breakthrough tech)

I just found "magic" in the periodic table. Among many other solidifications of my new atomic and molecular structure theory, I have created yet another 3 Breakthrough Energy Technologies. Maybe it's because I don't have a BS in Scicom. Likely my total physical and mental allergy to BS helps as well as a fervent love for all things physics in the Creator's Universe. Amazing all the overlooked discoveries due the brainwashed hierachy of the Cult of Scicom. (1:10am Saturday night studies, June 4/2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, and aspiring Philanthropist, Christian, and Follower of Jesus The Christ.
(Physics and science)

The "impossible" of Scicom is a lie, and this reality caused by them rather sucks. So I talked to the Creator and the Creator's Son; and then I made an all new "Impossible" and another, and another and another. (June 2, 2017)
Thomas,B. Engineer, Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, and aspiring future Philanthropist.
(Physics and science, Scicom)

I now have all new atomic and molecular bonding and energy release theories. I think I'm correct. If so, true fusion will never yield much of any energy, if at all. Fusion is useless for the purpose direction they are going, and incredibly valuable in the purpose directions they never even speak of. It's a rather large multiple distraction.

So far they have no real yield product in fusion and that they think they will get any significant energy gain from it at all is a real question as to why they would ever think so. You are not going to get a stable "heat source" that just lasts forever at least not in this method and according to their own phoney laws it's impossible without making the best insulator in universal history but then that would break their other phoney law also and also would break their other phoney law of energy gain from the drawn out heat. They should either stick to their cult or admittedly abandon it and stop the pretense. I could probably make that insulator however and it's an interesting thought in a phoney space toilet world but you would have energy loss as well. I would far rather go a much easier and less costly road to solving the problem. I would just stick to the truth which is energy is created all the time. They are so blindedly limited by their own egos and make believe phoney religious cult doctrine that they just have to stick to that to appease their make believe God of non existance and acolytes branded with BS (bachelor science). As a result they don't realize the gold pile right in front of their faces and are trapped in their claims as to have to pretend it doesn't even exist.

As usual they are barking up the wrong tree and hoping an ostrich egg falls out. They should have gone and buried their heads in the sand instead. Their attempts at fusion are being done in the wrong methods and for the wrong reasons totale.
(June 2, 2017)
I made our 1,231st tech in my re-read of this post-quote and re-examining the "pile of gold dynamics" for said purpose. How funny how I am at 1,231 and they are at zilch. Throwing money at Scicom which has such a completely failed quality record in producing cost-effective results is like throwing tons of money at Chinese manufacturers (sic, raiders) saying "make a quality product" it's just never going to happen. You should have stuck to the Small Private Values-oriented family craftsmen instead. You do get what you pay for. Paying for quality craftsmanship gets you quality that lasts a lifetime at a high value price point that is always worth it. Paying for Scicom trash gets you those made in china results but with a hundred billion dollar pricetag and just a lot more B.S. on the paper.
(June 3, 2017)
Thomas,B. Engineer, Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, and aspiring future Philanthropist.

How many Scicom guys does it take to go in a circle?

A lot more than all of them obviously, they still haven't figured out how to do it :D

(June 12, 2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian.
Personal Think and Perspective
Value s

I am not for sale. Not to any man and not for any price.

Evil sickophantic players on the internet often attack me and get very demanding, demeaning, controlling, aggro, egotistical seeking to get into bragging one upmanship barbaric cockfights like mindless freaks. I don't oblige them in it but rebuke them which they can't stand and it whips them into just further narcissitic evil hatred spin-up. Some people say I have no people skills this or I'm a shit spinner etc, but these people talking this are just pacifists. I recognize the evil for who they are and I will give them NOTHING just like they will never give you the compassion nor fairness nor honest witness you or anyone else deserve, not ever, for they have sold themselves totale. The world has 7 Billion people, there are more than enough to take a stand and point out the evil ones and rebuke them for all of life. You don't need them as customers or clients or investors, there are waves of thousands and thousands behind them. Don't worry so much that you supposedly have to prostitute yourself to every sicko demanding something from you judging you or accusing you. You owe them NOTHING.

(July 31/2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian.

"If you want to find a liar...find a man who is calling someone who walks in the footsteps of Jesus, as a liar."

(Feb 26/2020)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian.

When you wake up in the morning, what are you doing it for? When you think about the purpose in your life, is it because you are building a purpose driven life? When you are grinding against the weight of the evils of humanity, what are you gonna do? Are YOU a Soldier for Good?

(Apr 29 /2020)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian.

Someone said to me "You're a Genius"
Someone else "Wow, you beat Tesla"
Someone else "Ur the new Edison"
Someone said about me "He's the smartest guy I ever met"

I said in response to all of them. "No, I only know one thing."
They all said "Oh..what's that?"


(Apr 29 /2020)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian.

What are YOU working on Day & Night Day & Night Day & night? Blood, Sweat, tired, frustrated, determined, pushing yourself way beyond not only Your limits but the limits of all Humanity. What "Impossible" r they talking about U in the history books that U r building into reality?

(Apr 29 /2020)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian.
"Free? Energy"
(So called "Free Energy")

There is no such thing as "free energy".

It is a naive, immature, and ignorant discussion about energy. "Energy" or actually properly in this case "electricity" where the term is inappropriately used, will never just show up in the conductor or motor for that matter magically by itself out of nowhere. There must be a construct or a machine built to harvest, catch, or cultivate this "energy" or in this case the "electricity" form of energy. The only time you get electricity showing up in your conductor is in a Carrington event, and unless I built a construct that would continue that type of radiation indefinitely which you really wouldn't want, there is unfortunately no, sorry folks, no "free energy". There is however cheap distributed energy and in that I am #1 in the world.

Energy is in many many forms and is as God said in the bible in all things and through all things. It is everywhere and it is everything. We can harness it a number of ways. Electricity is just one form of energy. We use the term energy vaguely now as a label and now people understand it less due to this mistake. To generate electricity you need a machine or manufactured construct of some kind and a source of energy thus converted to force or electricity used in the end device. The machine isn't free, the materials and labor are not free, the distribution of this to the consumer is not free neither is the maintenance and replacement of the equipment needed to produce the electricity. It will never be free. There was always a cost. We will always at least need a receiver built into something like the grid of a building etc to receive it even if we made a construct to send electrical signals wirelessly to a receiver. None of this is free. A water wheel is not free a solar panel is not free. They all degrade in time as well. Nothing is free. I say "Free energy from God every day from the sun" about solar. But in reality it's not "free energy" it was paid for in some method and some are smarter methods than others which can result in a net cost over time of zero which in effect may be "free" true enough on a financial basis.

Therefore "free energy" doesn't exist. It is no different than saying "free food". While you may be given some, there is always a cost to harvest it. It will always have some cost. There is only cheap energy, and cheaper cleaner more cost-efficient energy, and cheap clean distributed energy. And in those categories, we are #1, especially for our product market fit of retail industrial and commercial distributed energy which is the #1 demand segment market for electricity in the world. It is the #1 cause of energy related pollution in the world and it is the #1 cause of greenhouse gas emissions in the world which everyone is crying about instead of the human lives killed by the toxics. This is the priority NOT the consumer every Joe market.

I don't believe in "free energy" even though I can make it cheaper than anyone else and can generate it in more ways than anyone else, but I can make the equipment to generate it and receive it and maintain it and replace it "free" for my clients in time in many circumstances yes very much so.

Even though I of course don't believe in "free energy" I am attacked incessantly by a large number of radical neo-luddites whose minds are so thick and brainwashed that they don't believe in clean energy technology advancement, from people with a BS degree or a masters from BS, and just overly narcissistic people who were fed an opinion and love their opinion shitfights. Usually these are just 4 nations to date. Usa, Canada, Germany and Australians. Actually no other nationality of people I have come across to date has had any problem with tech advancement in this space. These nations badly need to re-examine their cultures of ego over technological advancement and fact.

(July 8/2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian.
Energy Suppression
(Energy future, Geopolitics)

We are entering a new place in time. We are teetering where powers are trying their best with all of their Trillions to take and rein in control totale, but where revolutionaries fight back with the mind and are at the verge of a transition into human development freedom unprecedented. (May 28/2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, + Scientist
(Energy Suppression, Startups)

AOE is literally the most #Banned #Startup in the known world.

People with 30 followers post something incoherent on climate, trump, or cats & get 700-800 likes & R/T, we are lucky if we get 1 even posting the same things. God forbid we should ever spend money on ads on Leftist media, it would all surely just be stolen. (Feb 18/2020)

Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian.
(Physics and science, Lack of Clean Energy Development Will, Energy Supression)

As far as I know to date there is not one single nation on earth, certainly not the Usa nor Canada nor Australia nor the UK nor China nor even Cambodia where energy innovators can just plug in and get paid for their energy fed to the grid. Why is there so much completely corrupt red tape? Its just electricity for Christ's sake its not heroin. Until a nation has a place where energy innovators can plug in and get paid, with no questions asked, no need to look at nor inside their technology whatsoever, your nation is not in any way shape nor form in support of Clean Energy Development, nor is it against Climate Change whatsoever for this is the bare minimum barometer you must have in order to claim such. Only a corrupt crony establishment HS pile of lies and fraud would pretend that they are for Clean Energy Development and Innovation development, and then have not one single place, where innovators can produce it and get paid without total 100% IP protection and privacy protection. Only Lies and Excuses why you don't have it? (some energy ministries I spoke to it's all they had.) Put it way out in the middle of nowhere where there are no people to blow up or poison, with meters for gasses and toxins or fires and pollutions, and come scan it for them and meter it post install and running. None of these countries cares one Iota for Clean Energy Development it's all a huge scam, if they did at all the very first thing they would have done is open the grid to feeding in power and paying for it. But none of them have a single place to do so, not one not anywhere not one not anywhere. It's all HS. Where can I go plug in tomorrow and get paid for my energy and they won't touch my IP or equipment? NOWHERE. Not anywhere on earth. I checked over 80 nations. If you find one tell me, I will be on a plane to there in short time.

(June 21/2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian.
(Suppression, Energy future, Geopolitics)

I subscribe to the unbelievably mass-funded anti-Clean energy establishment's media, newsletters, and propaganda campaigns to see their twist on things. It is just absolutely incredible the mass amount of money and funding being blown to just lie to people en' masse to sew doubt, discourage investors, and prevent this kind of thing from ever happening. Not only that but wind is lying about solar, solar is lying about fuel cell, and toxics, 'clean coal', 'clean natural gas' and oil are lying of course about absolutely everything.

(June 18/2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian.
(New World Order)

The "New World Order", made in 1947 was designed to bring about peace and stability, and of course any wise man will know that this needs some form of control and defense and steering, for still today we are a world of 240 somewhat radically differing cultures, economic conditions, ways of life, educational standards, and world views on religion, human rights, treatment of women and children, and use of force, violence, and what constitutes justice and rightful behavior. We are fighting wars today for these very definitions, and I for one hope we continue to. For the alternatives to the standards of Jesus in those other cultures that do not have them nor value such and are even against them with their bombs in hand or taped to their bodies to destroy societies that favor the standards of Jesus, and they are willing to die to destroy such a world and destroy anyone who believes in such values, and they can not be allowed to do so but they are hell bent on doing just that and it makes up every fiber of what they believe in and hundreds of millions support them to this end and finance them and hope for their achievement of this. Such a rise of their influence just a bit further would send the world into such regressive chaos that it would surely never come out of. Conspiracists think the NWO is just evil, but it was made to stop an even greater one than they ever gave time to think of, nor needed to know, for the NWO was a success in it's mission for 70 years and left these critics with 70 years of successful peace and protection to date. At the time the evil needed protecting against was potential single actors like Hitler and other longstanding evils, but now there is evil far more sinister and widespread corroborated all over the world far more powerful than Hitler could have dreamed for.

(June 19/2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian.
(Energy Future, Geopolitics)

I just heard there is going to be an all new internet and the old one may die. It's an incredible time to be alive. The way of toxic power and development lack also is entering the new, and the old way to die. For it does seem that so many of the chains of humanity, are about to be cut. In generations past resistances were fought with knives, in this one, they are fought with the mind. (May 28/2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, + Scientist
(Suppression, No Support for SPI Breakthroughs)

Of course energy advancement is suppressed, we all know that it is. By scicom and the NWO to Energy companies to rich bosses to the oil cartels to you name it. But it doesn't need to be suppressed either because no one supports this whatsoever. Even Bill Gates has completely denied the Small Private Energy Innovators totale with his new so called "Breakthrough Energy Ventures fund" by stating the unimaginable....that supposedly the crony government labcoat establishments are somehow the best place for new energy breakthroughs. Then exactly what is expected occurs, The most recent company to commercialize from there which he invested in, Aquion energy, sucked in 190 Million of investor funds, Immediately bankrupted in short order ripping off everyone, closing the company and website, and not a single charge was laid nor lawsuit issued. This is the exact same thing that has been going on for a hundred years already. The SPI market gets zero and snubbed, and the crony establishment gets Billions and it all is wasted and vanishes and they get a total free pass while the world is left to suffer. (June 21/2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian.
(Energy suppression, Energy Future, Geopolitics, SPI Market)

Some people ask me about energy suppression. I am not much of a conspiracy theorist but every simple lie, cheat, fraud is in fact a conspiracy is it not? Every parent is committing a number of conspiracies to their children in what you decide to hide from them. It's not so much a conspiracy as management and semantics. Clearly so much has been suppressed and many killed and far too many 'mysterious deaths' this is without question now in my mind though before I thought all these people talking such to be rather batty. There is even far more merely out there dead in the water due to no support. Recently a high level US security officer told me that if anyone rich feels like they will lose money due to what you are doing they will just make you go away they won't think twice about it. 'Fortunately' my business model and location choices are not a harm to any party. The patent offices are chock-a-block full of powerful techs now dead to the world due the passing or killing of their inventors. Far more tech of even more immense value is not patented. We live in a phoney reality construct that supposedly the world or the business world or even silicon valley cares at all to solve these issues. If they cared at all, all of us types would easily have many funding pipelines to go to and this is not the case. To date there is not a single avenue where energy innovators can go and vie for some private funding for this direction besides attempting to hunt down cleantech investors in seminars and via the web. Not one single advertisement could you find for such anywhere in the world and not even at World economic forum nor Sustainability Week nor at Cop-21 despite the announcement of a huge new fund for 'establishment energy breakthrough'. No one is looking for us. No one is working on this issue. It's just not real. It's all talk. It's all BS. There is 10,000 times more funding daily to spam on both Climate Change and against the Cleantech industry than money going to seek these solutions among the SPI market each year. I don't know of any SPI that has gotten any funding for their innovation but for one. He got 100 Million dollars and now has a 10 Billion dollar company-ish but even still they get articles calling them "dead money". We have sent a number of emails to silicon VC firms and they have never yet responded. To Nasa, to Large Clean energy investors, no one has ever responded yet but for one Christian man. The world of people lives in a false reality of optimism that isn't actually happening. It's the world we live in with our rosey colored glasses of positivity on. The real world is a far greedier and selfish place, far more corrupt than we ever want to think it. The world fools itself on so many things and few have any view outside the box of our constructs. They don't need to suppress anything, there is no help for these people, none. Who is going to help them or invest in them? No one has and no one will. If one of them successfully commercializes all on their own to a good scale, then some investors can be won but really they are more like greedy savers with loanshark terms. They don't need to suppress anything though they do sometimes, sure. Are you going to invest in them? Did you? You didn't. No one campaigns for us to investors though some have in the past, but all of them too greedy, bigoted, and corrupt to invest to date. They don't want to invest in people and in change, they want to buy or get what other people have. The few investors that wan't to Change The World for real are few and far between, and there is no organization to bridge this gap whatsoever. It certainly isn't the UNDP or NGOs or World Bank or IMF nor ADB etc. They only deal with huge globals or governments. There is no real innovation funding support for this area and if anything looks like even maybe someone might think or be able to claim it's research, forget it no way. They won't touch anything not bankable already at millions dollars in proven installations. The few Dev-Orgs maybe have a contest for $5,000 after most of a year of wasting time in their completely incompetant incubations with people who have never really been around real business, investment, nor innovation at any level before. Requirement again is open prostitution of your technology. Been there talked to them all that could be found. There is nothing, you would think such people would care since they talk endless HS about these issues of Climate Change and pollution and energy economics etc, but in reality they are all merely individuals writing reports to get a big paycheck and go on vacation or to a party. It's a job,l if they cared at all they would be fighting for these people like warriors and doing whatever they could bend their backs on to get new innovations and innovators funded, but this you never see anywhere. If anyone gave a crap, my phone would ring like an old fashioned alarm clock with a broken stop lever. None of these kinds of people are ever on the line unless I'm calling them, and if we do, they just go away. It's big companies, big money already done and in their face with them recipient of some major financial benefit or they couldn't care less. That's the reality the SPI market faces. You commercialize to medium-business level all by yourself or you are just another "freako" on the internet to these people. (and you get called it often) I knew this after watching it for 25 years, and that's why I decided to go in and do it and help them. It's harder than I thought it would be, a lot harder, but I chose China then Cambodia to begin which makes it much harder. Had I chosen California I would be funded already I think and many from there won't touch me in here. Those nuts from other camps like solar or Thorium sometimes call me names and attack immediately and block/ignore etc. There are harsh rivalries between competitors and sectors within Cleantech. The media is reporting from the outside and misses most of the value. They also don't want to report on this unless they are paid to, because already there is too much spam on Climate change and energy etc. They couldn't care less if a new breakthrough came along that is a small guy's work. They don't write about us. We have to pay. It's all BS. People pretend that reporters actually give a crap but it's all HS. They get paid and big, ask them, don't pretend and deny until you asked them, and you didn't. We did. We have to pay. Media doesn't give a crap. It's all clickbait. They don't think it's new nor newsworthy whatsoever especially with the ocean of free Climate Change BS to re-post from newswires. The one thing good about it is it makes a very high barrier to entry business once we make it. Any others rising, wow I wouldn't wish this on anyone, good luck, 99.999% fail rate in SPI market to date. I will win. I like these other inventors share their unending invincible determination but with significantly higher business and investment acumen than any SPI guy I have heard of or met to date and I will pivot often if must and have. I will succeed greatly once we gain a tiny investment. But even I have no confidence in anyone else making it in these conditions, absolutely none. Who will help them? No one. I wouldn't invest in any of them either unless I was involved to make sure it was going to be managed correctly. There are 50 million whiners and re-posters on the internet complaining and supposedly 'supporting' these guys but no one invests in them. Without INVESTment nothing changes EVER. Most of the re-posters are as full of HS same as the rich as a lot of them they won't even part with $500 to see this come to fruition. Numerous Kickstarter clean energy campaigns have all failed. People just want gadgets in their hands they refuse to support real projects. We just need 2,000 people to put up $500 and it's done, but it's never gonna happen because they can't get a consumer gadget in their hands. All have failed in crowdfunding such projects and the regulation makes it impossible for people to do anything to really invest a good chunk of money into projects like these, it's all small gadget and rewards based and no equity. There is no support nor support system for these people, absolutely none, it's just HS and so are any claiming there is or even might be such, it just isn't real. Bottom line? They used to suppress hard core, but now? Who needs to? No one is going to support the SPI market anyway, and everyone knows it. Would an SPI get murdered for his breakthrough tech? Sure of course it's a very sensible scenario and the chance I will be is quite high this is just the fact of the matter. With so much energy control, corruption, political corruption, huge money involved, wars being fought over resources, theft and hacking and attacks and hostile actions towards competitors in the business world, There can't really be any doubt that I may become a target, but you can't let that stop you. You just have to go about things in a more thoughtful and selective manner. It's certainly a risk to try yes, but someone has to do it and I'm not stopping I'm a lifer now. JFK I believe was assassinated not only due his stance against the FED but also the movement against the 90% tax rate in the USA and it's equitable sharing of economic benefit to broader society, and as well very much due to wanting to support the SPI market and mainstreaming cheaper energy for the people instead of oil and the global oil cartels. (June 3/2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, and aspiring Philanthropist
(Energy future, Geopolitics)

There is much not said, and much known, and much overlooked, by the US state departments, DOEs, Saudi Aramcos, Nasas, Laurence Livermores, and the like. Enough to get one erased if he merely talk but a whisper in the wrong wind. So hath sayith those very men of all stripes into mine ear. The right advice I would love to entertain, for too many fools and men jumping the hip have always been the story of man. It is a two sided coin with many heads, that needs to be pondered long and steadily in many a wise audience. Foresight visionary is now needed more than perhaps any other time in all human history. The future moves along. We are at a time when no erasing can solve it, for it will happen anyway. It is here. We need to discuss the future like never before in a new way as we never imagined it. (June 3/2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, and aspiring future Philanthropist.
(Energy future, Geopolitics)

Energy suppression? Sure of course there is, of course many have been killed for trying, sure, of course. It just is what it is. Everyone knows it. It can't stop us from trying even though we know we may catch a bullet also. But who needs to suppress anything? Today on the internet I am attacked vehemently just for posting that I have new technology. Random people out of nowhere accuse it's a scam and immediately begin insults, ridicule, opposition, claims of impossible, slander, big arrogant opinion shitfight attacks, call you names, look up your contacts and seek to defame you and disparage you, slander you, discredit you, seek to judge you and destroy you. I have hundreds of pictures on internet of libel and slander from others like this. Once day I will publish them all on a wall of shame so people can see what energy innovators go through, the massive assault and attacks out of just nowhere. Endless accusations and people asking all kinds of non-normal questions, interrogations, and even worse if you are a Christian. Much much worse. They attack Christianity they are sending you articles and arguments trying to convince you out of it, slandering it and people in it, mocking and ridiculing it, and you, then claiming they are not, it just goes on and on and on. Then they pretend you are a scam when you go more private to better protect yourself against people like them the judgers and sickophants attackers and slanderers. How dare you have any privacy they say, instant scam to have any privacy. Who needs to suppress anything? The sheer mass of sickophantics who will attack these people who may have something or trying is just shocking beyond any possible imagination let alone expectation. It is like a magnet for evil attackers to want to come and get inside and destroy it and destroy the innovators or steal it. It's just incredible. No one needs to suppress anything, and they do, hundred billion dollar a year campaigns of suppression and advertising and media buying organizations like "thinkprogress" etc and so many others. Making it in any business is hard enough as it is, but making it in this one wow, society doesn't support it nor rally behind these people. They make endless excuses instead why no one should trust anyone trying it. The amount of propaganda and programming that has gone into this is so so massive clearly for no other subject I can think of or have experienced meets this kind of resistance in the mind of the public especially from those from USA, UK, Australia and Germany and France. I have met no resistance from anyone of other nations at all to this date in terms of "can someone do it". None. They just accept that all technology moves forward. No problem. But from these 5 nations many people want to practically come and destroy you even for trying. Angered narcissists to the extremes fueled on self-righteousness and hate for Christians, and hate for anyone who would claim that he has broken their impossible.

(Aug 1/2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian.
(Energy future, Energy Suppression)

"I will quote Eisenhower: "The Military industrial complex is robbing the nation of the geniuses and the scientists & innovators & thats the entire future of the children." He was so correct when he said this in 1961 when he left the white house. But it is now 60 years later, in 2020, and we yet STILL have 5800 Seized Top #science related patents. >4,000 of them are energy related in USA & the 5 eyes, commonwealth & CIA controlled nations. No one could imagine it being real back in 1961, and so because of it it is still so, but now we have 4+ BILLION people with the entire future of the children yet STOLEN from them. AOE, is the ONLY answer. Will You support?"

(Feb 26 2020)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Student Infinitum, Economic Obsessifus, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian, FULL CHARGER!
(Energy future, Energy Suppression)

"I will quote Eric Hoffer:

"In times of change, learners inherit the earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists."

This is an exact summary of what happened in energy. However, instead of supporting the learners who learned it, the corrupt establishments & elites deliberately & knowingly block, ban, censor, & suppress these learners, the SPIs (Small Private Innovators) and then seek to cash in on Taxpayer Funded scams that claim "We need more research" as the SPI's watch on in disbelief and empty hands & the elites, establishment, governments & media look back at them with sneering eye & a closed shut mouth."

(Feb 26 2020)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Student Infinitum, Economic Obsessifus, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian, FULL CHARGER!
"Pizzers" (flat earth)
(Flat Earth Community)

OMG I LOVE the maker's of flat earth Pizza! It's my favorite pizza in the whole world. Keep up the cookin' (June 18, 2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian.
(Flat Earth, Economic Justice)

I believe in a flat earth.....for as soon as you leave the G30, the dropoff in Economic Development and Mass of Disparity is akin to falling right off the planet itself. I choose to support those that have been deliberately kept off, or who have fallen off of it, jumped off, or want to because of the great evil of those in the willfully deliberately kept too small globe.

(June 19/2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian.
(Flat earthers)

I just want to say hello to all my pizzer friends and say I love you. I hope one of you can teach me how to cut a big slice of pizza from the earth. If one of you buys me a pizza I will be so happy. I will buy you one back and we will spend an inordinate amount of time discussing quirks in the current models to both our mind's great pleasure. Don't take too long, I'm always hungry and so is my mind. (June 4/2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring future Philanthropist, and Christian.
(Flat earthers)

Someone asked me what I think about the 'pizzers' (flat earth people) I respond jovially that I love them. I respect them completely and say they are great friends of the scientific debate. I call them pizza planeters or pizzers for short. This is because the model is usually like a pizza and hey I love pizza who doesn't love a pizza. Besides what could be better than a huge pizza earth with gooey cheese and make mine a meatlovers. :D. I love their interesting questions and radically different perspective and angles they approach things. Certainly they are adding much to the scientific discovery table in results I have seen. I think they are great and I'm so happy to see people actually interested in science again. I choose not to debate or say anything against what they might claim as I think it's counterproductive to scientific discovery and It's better to see how far they can go on their own. I am very encouraging of the pizza planet community. Scicom has done so much damage to the interest in science due their continual rabid dog like barking and threatening at anyone who questions anything or thinks they may not have solved everything, and in the horrific way they teach people bombarding them with calculus and insane complexity in maths instead of discovery and real working on systems, that interest in science has been all but murdered. Now we have Scicom trying all they can to build an all new control cult where it's considered almost illegal to dare question anything they claim. It's wonderful to see millions of people around the world actually finding community to be able to question, discover, learn, cut through the BS, and to finally have a voice and not be attacked for it. The fresh perspective is desperately needed also in Scicom who now seeks to and is campaigning to shut down and censor any possible voice besides their own. Scicom wants to return full circle to the Galileo era where he was censored and didn't have a voice and then locked in prison for daring to say anything but what they said and shut up so no one would hear them. (June 4/2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring future Philanthropist, and Christian.
(Flat earthers, Science, Philosophy, Theoretical Physics, FreeSpeech, Alternative Perspective in Stem.)

Perspective angles, and perspective angles, why is scicom deliberately lying & hiding all of the perspective angles for everything? Why do they hate you so viciously if you want another perspective angle?. (feb 26/2020)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Student Infinitum, Economic Obsessifus, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian, FULL CHARGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CO2 & Climate
Let's add perspective in #Science & #Climate FACTS.
2020 deaths:
2,114,085 Communicable disease
1,237,839 Children <5
273,763 HIV/AIDS
1,337,483 Cancer
814,097 Smoking
407,306 Alcohol
174,633 Suicide
219,832 Accident

2,933 #CoronaVirus

0 #CO2
6 MILLION Died from Energy Poverty
4 BILLION have no clean drinking water nor toilets because of no energy.
The UN/NWO is blowing 1.5 TRILLION a yr on #CO2 political propaganda.
The spend not even one single dollar on the Breakthrough CleanEnergy Innovators #1 in human history, #AlphaOmegaEnergy.

(Mar 1/2020)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Student Infinitum, Economic Obsessifus, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian, FULL CHARGER!!!!!
The mind of the entrepreneur can vary wildly as the winds. Many, especially in the developed world, many are in it due to greed. Some for fame, attention, self worship. But in the undeveloped places that lack opportunity, many are just entrepreneurs for survival with no other choice.

Some have no place to fit, or no place in the societal hierarchical pyramid crony box. Some are creatives, Innovators, Dreamers, artists, craftsmen, the proud, or the good who just can't stand the games others play.

And then there are some who don't like the way things are anymore. These some seek to Change it. They are a different breed of entrepreneur. They are a missionary, warriors, fighters, challengers, rogues and rebels, believers in something. They reject the molds of men for themselves and the ways of their limitations. They want new, better, smarter, more inventive, higher quality, something meaningful, with value, pure, beautiful, lasting, and they will give their lives for it, and for others.

There are many kinds of entrepreneur in the New World; and some live lives fighting for it to be a better one for the next.

The World IS Changing, Are You Invested in Those who Are Changing it?

Alpha Omega Energy
"Because Changing The World, is More than a Life."

(July 9, 2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian.

Alpha Omega Energy isn't a complacency company, Alpha Omega Energy is a Victory company. We don't do complacency, we do CHANGE THE WORLD.
(Oct 11, 2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Student Infinitum, Economic Obsessifus, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian.

Evil people have tried and tried and tried to get us to Change our culture from that of decidedly being a Christian company. We will NEVER Change our culture and values from that of the Greatest Champion for Humanity that ever existed and ever will. We will NEVER change our Values. We will Change Your World, instead.
(Oct 11, 2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Student Infinitum, Economic Obsessifus, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian.

"When an #investor looks at my new deck that won #TechStars weekend & says "it's so different than what I normally see i'm not interested" I just look at the tech designs all over my walls that obsolete everything there is & smile knowing the missing out that's coming from Speaker"

(Feb 27,2020)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Student Infinitum, Economic Obsessifus, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian.
Fantastic Questions

""Please link to evidence of forces between molecules in gas""

"It wasn't a question, but I made it one. Maybe Einstein was better at this than any other man, he certainly has the reputation & talk for it, or maybe just gets the credit. This is easily likely.

The answer to such questions are found in the mind of the asker who loves physics. The modelling in the imagination of he who connected to the Creator is the key to all things physics. This question easily answered the second one it outside of the limited scicom particle propaganda world.

What is an even better question is 'what are the forces interacting between spaces that have no gas in any of it, at all.' Now this is a beautiful question, and then also, what is between that if you stretch it or materially affect that space?
And then, what are ALL of the physics properties & forces between?
For this is where my mind is, and works and discovers, and sees and knows and learns.

The fabric of such is like beginning to pull on the very fabric of the mind of God.
Why Hello God, I am tugging at you like a baby. I love you.

(June 7, 2020)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Student Infinitum, Economic Obsessifus, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian.

Change The World, is All I Know.
(Oct 11, 2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Student Infinitum, Economic Obsessifus, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian.

There is only ONE Price, VICTORY.

(Oct 11, 2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Student Infinitum, Economic Obsessifus, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian.

How much is enough? All of it. How much of what? What Jesus wanted.

(Oct 11, 2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Student Infinitum, Economic Obsessifus, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian.

There is nothing left in this world that could ever stop me from driving forward this Victory. There is nothing the world has to offer of any value in comparison. Nothing. Not even all of it heaped in a pile in front of my face is enough.

(Oct 11, 2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Student Infinitum, Economic Obsessifus, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian.
(Think and perspective)

I have now literally been in this battle and on this road for so long, so deep, and with so much pain, suffering, hardship, and total self-sacrifice in every last area of life that can be imagined, to the point of emptying out the total soul and more still, that literally, the only thing left I have in this world, and the only thing left that I know, understand, and believe in, is to push forward despite and over all odds and challenges, no matter the remaining price if there could even be any more, to achieve Victory despite it all, and to Change The World. At this point I would do it even just for the glorious satisfaction of revenge, pride, and spite.

(July 10, 2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian.

My favorite words and I guess then topics are likely: balance, imbalanced, energy, motion, Jesus, God, Christian, distortion, equilibrium, innovation, engineering, outsider, outlier, underdog, charity, philanthropy, economics, development, frequency, electromagnatism, light, perspective, weight, contrarian, radical, differ-ent, Change, Shock, Victory, Honor, Justice, fairness, integrity, honesty, values, ....I will work on this. (May 23, 2017)
Thomas,B. Engineer, Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Obsessed Changemaker, + Scientist

It's a funny moment the emotional tug of the high when you invent a new technology improvement just to realize you have obsoleted one of your others. (May 28/2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, + Scientist
(Think and perspective, Anti-social Media)

In the Universe just like in human communication and culture, Fast media is as a cancer causing destructive agent and toxic to all life, akin to the destructive recklessness of immaturity and of course of those who embrace it. But Slow media has the habits of ageless Wisdom and intellect, and with it a force so great that truly it can move every part of the Cosmos. (May 28/2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, + Scientist
(Geopolitics, Anti-social media)

The Slow Media campaigners of today, are treated as if they are somehow terrorists, and powers of these mega-dragnets close in on them. In the future it will be even more the case, and the radicals in such will face every aspect of war. (May 28/2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, + Scientist
(Anti-social media)

The world should celebrate a day of darkness every year. In realization of the third of humanity that we let still live like this. The first to have their electricity turned off should be Silicon Valley, the very epicenter of greed in self-righteousness, hypocrisy, and contradiction. (May 28/2017)

A lot of what I say & create is done in prayer. This was also. in 2018, then 2019, California lost it's power for over 2.5 MILLION people as at same time it literally was burning to the ground all around Diablo mountain & beyond like the fires of hell. Christian Prayer works. God is alive. (Feb 15/2020)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, + Scientist
(On war and guns and the future of warfare: )

We are headed at radical speed towards a certain total police state brought on by technological advancement. I will not comment further but have a lot to say. In these matters, intelligent men would never want to give away any ideas for knowing they will come to fruition. We see governments allow crime and methods of war to be shown on televisions and internet and this should never happen for criminals to be able to learn how to do more crime or others to be tempted with their thoughts. In the same spirit I will never reveal what I know to these criminals in and surrounding governments for it is certain it will be used against others. I hope more will excersize total restraint and not tell anyone the things that may be used to hurt others but to those who may be able to and would certainly do something to further protect humanity. That is certainly not everyone you would think and certainly not most of those you would love. (May 24/2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Obsessed Changemaker, Engineer, Innovator, + Scientist
(Climate Change, Pollution, Culture)

Humanity is polluting the earth totale. Toxic-Pollution Apocalypse and Toxic Climate Change. In the oceans and the rivers and the air and the land, and in the mouths and the bodies and in the birth canal, and in the mind and in values and in heart, and in soul. Of all these mistakes and oversights, perhaps the biggest one was living, speaking, and thinking, as if God wouldn't do something about it. (May 28, 2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, + Scientist
(Culture, SPI market)
By posting about my complete belief in God on my website and other places, I confine myself to total rejection from perhaps 90% of funding in the USA by doing it and especially by the silicon valley crowd. I also confine myself to total rejection by Scicom. (science community) I also confine myself to total rejection of many preachers around the world for any strong repeat of Jesus' words in criticism of their unwillingness to follow what he said. I remain more than willing to accept the rejection of this world and the acceptance instead of the creator God of this universe who made it. (May 23, 2015)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Obsessed Changemaker, Engineer, Innovator, + Scientist
(Culture, Think and perspective)

Great things come to those who wait. Wait long enough away from the treasures of mankind, and maybe even God or Jesus will come to you and say hello good spirit, how was your day? here is a gift. And maybe touch the warmest pride you ever felt, on your shoulder. (May 28, 2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, + Scientist
(Churches and the judgement of man)

It has never ceased to sicken my heart how church administrations look to the methods of man to judge men and are always seeking to judge men. Not by their conviction and choice of Jesus and not by their intentions and not by their hearts and not by the way of Jesus nor the ways of God, but by measures of man and their pyramids and by their records and their corrupt systems of exclusion. And then they commit grave crimes of passing false judgement on a man merely because others have committed crimes before God of passing false judgement on that man. They even now look instead of at the man's face in real life over their dinner table welcome, instead of to his voice and convictions and pain and sufferings and commitments and scars and heart, instead of in his eyes do they look and in the tremblings of his lifetime coup de grace ressurection Charge, not to his charity, not to daily his walk of life and not to the cross he bears, no, instead they look to judge his fakebook, and when it's not there and they can't, they don't even know what the hell to do with themselves. How sick is the church and their judgement of man? It is just as bad as those who hate Jesus.

(Oct 11/2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Student Infinitum, Economic Obsessifus, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian.
(Think and perspective)

I hate the word and very concept of "feasability study". In fact I can't stand it and I am a relentless meticulous constant planner. The very idea gives me practically a physically allergic reaction in BS resistance. The word, concept, and process of "Requiring a feasibility study" is to say that you think it somehow can't be done, it's to accept defeat or failure, it's to go about in a way that is to say that perhaps it has not been successfully done before when it has been thousands of times in fact. It's the talk of fools, of nonsense, of failed thinking and failed men who have no vision, no capacity for it, and no ability to plan or get a job done. There is only the possible and what has been done and what has not been done. These days feasability studies are a holdback on human progress. When many others have succeeded before and do so regularly in cost effective manner, to speak of feasability study is to pretend there isn't a way to success but in fact there are many. Feasability studies should be for bases on the moons of Jupiter, not mere buildings and projects that have been completed thousands of times in every nation on earth, and instead of building merely another they are wasting more time and money. After the first time there is no need for a feasability study, there is common sense needed, a clear plan, a costing, someone who has done it before or someone with the aptitude and mindset to go and get it done, quickly, cheaply, and who just doesn't accept roadblocks to human progress and completing his mission. I hate the words feasability study and I will do all I can to avoid this junk even though I have business plans in the thousands of pages and they could only ever comprise a mere percentage of the thought and planning I put into things. I will never accept failure thinking and It will likely always rub me the very wrong way. At least we should re-word this nonsense to "detailed project plan with itemized costings, and possible addition of existing project plan comparison or experienced consultation plan." Any suggestion of possible failure should be eliminated from the human mentality and better roadmaps and procedures set up to follow so success is more quickly gained by all.
(June 15, 2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian.

There is so much on my learning list that it seems Impossible I could have time to study it all in this lifetime. Not only that I have to build this business and commercialize nearly 1,300 New Technologies. It's unfathomable, and I would like to get the hell off this rock as well if possible.
(June 18, 2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian.
(Personal, Think and perspective)

It's true, All men have a price. I discovered that truthfully, So do I. So I eventually decided to sell myself at the absolutely highest price possible in the Universe. So I sold myself to Jesus and I took from him all that he had, and a very very significant line of Credit. And he paid for me in full with confident willful vigor and excited thrilled heart pumping salivating crafty mindedness and overwhelming contentment. Words can not describe the feeling and the magnitude of this purchase. And now my soul is sold too, just like yours is. We just decided to sell ourselves to very different owners.

(June 13/2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Radical Christian.
(Personal, Think and perspective)

Impossible? What's that? Huh? I've never seen one......Bah...sounds like BS to me!"

(June 21/2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Radical Christian.
(Personal, Think and perspective)

Impossible? WTF is an Impossible? Have you seen one? Do you have one? What does it look like? What color is it? Have you held it in your hand? ....I want one...Where can I get one?...Do I have to make it?

(June 21/2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Radical Christian.
(Personal, Think and perspective, Dimensions)

I think there are no other dimensions, and no limit to the size of this universe. There is no concrete scientific evidence for either, and at least as much or more to suggest there are none and no limit. There is only an opinion and a cult to push some alternative that is one where God doesn't exist in it. God said "I am in all things and through all things." It is called the universe, one-verse not two verse nor three verse nor four. If there was a multiverse, then that's how God made it. These anti-God cult sellers are trying to come up with all kinds of new ways to find some alternative to God but you can not truly disprove the existance of God. Not with multi-dimensions, not with space farts, not with mathematics tricks in retrospect to paint a picture of what you are selling, not with fake blue marble CGI pictures of the earth with with the word sex put on it, not with anything scientific. Science is the study of nature the study of God's creation and nothing else. The human spirit and those who study the creation of God pick up on things through the spirit as well as the eyes. Through all time all races all societies separate from one other we have always all beings of all stripes have known this. From aincient chinese to the mayans to the aboriginals to the american indians to the aztecs to all civilizations of old. In my learning the chinese language which is 5,000 plus years old, it seems not just a very caveman type unpolished language, but one very much about God, the spirit, the biblical stories, and physics observations in many raw form, and very much spiritually affected as to know that all things in the universe and not of humanity are in harmony as one together. There is no reason to think the universe is somehow finite in any way. If there was an end, you can not stand at it and look 'over the end' for just being able to look at it at all, says there is something on the other side. It may very well be God's infinite mind, but it's certainly not just nothing. There is something there. We must enter into a study like never before, of the unseen. An endless study, not some group of well funded crony back patters telling people how it is and then to shut up and listen like scicom is trying to do now.

(June 21/2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Radical Christian.
A friend asked me "what would you say if Bill Gates or Warren Buffet or Paul Tudor Jones or someone like that called you interested in your work?" I responded "Hello friend, I think we should Change The World...Are You Ready? (May 23, 2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Obsessed Changemaker, Engineer, Innovator, + Scientist
I literally forgot that I solved the world resource shortage problem. I made this tech & then literally forgot that I had made it. The way my coding system works I will ALWAYS run into my techs in the future at sometime, it's inevitable. But I actually had forgotten that I had made it, & forgotten my code trigger for this tech many times. I won't forget again i'll bet. Imagine forgetting such a thing, that's how busy you are & how much tech you make. I literally solved the world resource shortage problem. Maybe it just hasn't sunk in yet. It's beyond surreal. (Feb 21/2020)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Student Infinitum, Economic Obsessifus, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian, FULL CHARGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What a fantastic memory. My father had a Widowmaker motorcycle. It was super powerful & practically suicidal. He crashed on it and broke his leg & had to have pins put in it. He rode again with a sniff of spite & flexing. So my brother named his Biggest Best FuelCell which was much much much more powerful, the Widowmaker 3000. He was Gloriously cocky & proud as hell about it & named it in Powerful Glorious Cockiness. Then he told dad, laughing with a smirk FULL of cocky "I beat your machine" Pride. My father laughed in a Loud Roar in FULL appreciation of ALL of it. I watched on Tingling & so PROUD at both of them. It was ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC. (Feb 21,2020)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Student Infinitum, Economic Obsessifus, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian, FULL CHARGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"I'm the guy that obsoleted, Everything."

Some would call that bragging.
Smarter people would call it, the Opportunity, of All Future Generations.

#AlphaOmegaEnergy. There IS a New World Coming.

(Feb 26,2020)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Student Infinitum, Economic Obsessifus, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian, FULL CHARGER!!!!!!
We're not a fake humanity nor a fakebook project, we are a REAL Humanity and a REALBOOK project. (Oct 11, 2017)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Student Infinitum, Economic Obsessifus, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian.
Spiritual Connection
I don't care what the hell they said. Now get the hell out of my way, I've got the Impossible to finish.

(May 4/2015)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Student Infinitum, Economic Obsessifus, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian, FULL CHARGER!!!
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