Investment in our shares can yield Multiples
For AOE Ownership Shares - see Invest page.
** (of Course) Limited time Offer, subject to a maximum funding goal.
Seeking $200,000 total at 30% Fixed, interest accumulated and paid out at funding or refinance capacity.
Aim is to repay in full within 12 months
Maximum funding acceptance at this cost is $1,000,000.
We CAN pay very high interest to Note Holders for the time being, up to a certain amount.
Skeptics Claim "30% its not possible!" but it's in fact merely simple finance.
The total cost in dollars of 30% on the inital funding round to achieve the launch and scale-up funding a company needs is very small relative to the asset gain and profit gain. Returning 30% to a $200,000 Note holder is not a concern to repay at $60,000 cost when this helps the startup achieve A-round investment of
6-10 Million ensured (and note-payoff), cap table of 70-100 million, with revenues subsequent in the 1-4 Million dollar range. Early notes for small amounts can quite easily be repaid with high interest.
S.E.Asian finance rates are generally collateral based and at usually 2% to 3% a month = 24%-36% per year. Talking to Asian bosses and wealthy (investors?) they aren't even interested below 30%, it's a different world to the global participants who just aren't aware of anything going on outside their country.
Frontier markets pay significantly higher in interest than USA, EU, SG, HK Tokyo-Korea, or any developed economy.
Mortgage rates in Cambodia are generally 12-24% and require monthly payments.
Silicon Valley notes pay 2-5% interest per year but then another 20% on conversion to stock. This total is 22-25% and no one minds paying and no one questions the ability to pay, however they should question. Most silicon valley startups are weak in plan, strategy, and corporate vision and mission plan, overly expensive burning huge cash with weak financial accountability controls, no draw schedules, no invoice order finances, no trust accounts, and merely labelled up well with a few good CV holders in the Silicon-team-cult of the day slapped together who have nice social profiles and no longevity OCD life-passion for the business mission.
If you get a note in a company, lock in your gain up front so you have less risk. Don't settle for a far inferior Silicon Valley note with paltry minimum interest and loading the risk onto you. Step up to the Alpha Omega Energy Note, where the investor gets more than just a roll of the dice and maybe a few percent. You get our life-blood commitment to repay, and one hell of a strong plan to be able to do so, with many exits and still full conversion potential to shares if you want to aim at that IPO.
We are Commercial Finance ready and bankable at post Note-Goal Achievement.
We can asset finance immediately post allocation of capital and repay our note holders stepping us down to low-cost commercial finance rates and expanding our ability to gain capital cheaply.
Early Investors Converting stand to make Significant Venture Capital Return Multiples
Great security and safety in nearly all metrics relative to all other startup types.
We expect to IPO on the CSX market in End 2017 to Early 2018