- "Light" was previously widely accepted in physics as a di-electric current flow of magnetism and electricity, now ignored.
- "Spinning earth" would throw us off but the reason we are held to it is not "gravity". "gravity" is now an "unknown" not-understood force with unknown causes that Scicom admits total that they don't know what causes it.
- NASA states Satellites like Hitomi have been thrown apart in space due to spinning too fast which according to Scicom is "impossible."
- Quote: "Heat" is not "heat" it is merely a label for something else. (Thomas, B)
- Quote: "Cold" is not "cold" it is merely a label for something else. (Thomas, B)
- Quote: "Black is the true color phase of "light" (Nikola Tesla)
- The Aether is real and well proven, and NASA has conducted videotaped experiments proving it's existance for all to see
- Quote: "Our Buoyancy, density, and the "water weight" of our atmosphere, have an impact on us being stuck to the earth, how much so we don't really understand yet" (Thomas, B)
- "The Energy Source of our sun is not nuclear fusion, but rather a myriad of physical sources, Scicom without a clue." (Thomas, B)
- The International Space Station IS NOT "in Space", it is STILL inside our upper atmosphere and is lower than Satellites. you are in our atmosphere and so am I, and so is the IUALS.
- NASA in 67 years and spending over 1.3 TRILLION Dollars, admittedly has NEVER released a single genuine undoctored photo of the entire earth in one picture.
- NASA Refuses to use Hubble to photo the "landing sites" of the lunar missions, citing absolute lies of "moon too bright" meanwhile they use it to photo both objects passing the moon, moon in transit of Venus, and others in transit of the sun.
- Scicom admits that they have no idea what causes "Gravity" and "gravity" seems disproven from a whole host of methods, gravitation and the "forces that attract" are still a study in question not a finite finished model by any stretch of the imagination. They can not explain it but only give a description.
- IPCC claims that the Sun's output is static and year to year has no meaningful change nor effect on earth climate and warming though any Joe can watch the sun with basic technology and see/feel the effects daily.
- "Warped-time Einstein-Scicom Construct Vs Marshall and Terminal Velocity"
- Scicom has no idea why the surface of the sun is "just 2000-6000 degrees" but the corona is millions of degrees
- Scicom has no idea what happens to all the millions of degrees of "heat" from the plasma falling back to the sun that vanishes in fractions of a second in your eyes after and when it hits the surface of the sun, and why it doesn't "heat up" the surface of the sun but rather the sun sucks all the energy right out of it nearly instantaneously right in front of your eyes.
- Scicom does not explain terminal velocity versus space time, and it doesn't fit the mold.
- Quantum mechanics Quantum Physics and General and Special Relativity are 3 schools of theory that contradict each other and don't fit and are at loggerheads.
- Quantum Physics is contradictory to black holes and doesn't fit. One or the other is wrong, or both. Both are wrong.
- "Dark matter and Dark Energy" were made up by Scicom when they couldn't understand why contrary to the big space fart models, they found the universe is expanding from every single point of reference and accellerating not slowing down as "the big space farters" still claim to this day for reasons unknown and obviously way behind the science. Now that scicom can't find them they are abandoning the Dark Matter and Dark Energy Theories.
- Scicom has never conducted a single light performance test through the sun's corona.