AOE's 3D Printed Prosthetics Division
Social Enterprise at it's Best
AOE decided to start right in on this once we got our first 3D printer which we use to make some tech parts. It became a dream of ours being inspired by many great innovators who had charitable spirits. AOE chooses the for-profit scalable social enterprise model as have seen it work in China for this exact application. While we may not be the first to do it, nor the most well funded, we have unique passion & innovation ability & the gumption to get the job done fast, with low capital, earn a profit & scale sustainably into a very large Social Impact Enterprise which many fail to do. This isn't just a business or a charity for us, it's a real love from the heart. Innovator's will eventually stand alone apart from AOE & scale virally for world Impact. Support NOW & lets' tool up some Innovator's!! YES!!
20 Million Dollar IPO
& Impact Investor Value
There is nothing more cool than COOL HAND TOOLS!! :D
Our Model
Every year, 45 Million Humans are disabled!
Those in the rich nations like the USA pay Huge money for prosthetics.
in Undeveloped nations there isn't the supply nor the low prices needed.
AOE Innovator's solves the problem with low cost prosthetics.
We also solved all the "Impossible" tasks like Legs, Hips, etc!
We sell at a low price in profit to pay for the operation & scaling!
We also have market beating investor return priced in!


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