FACT: The Fuel Cell industry is not only working and thriving as a very effective energy and pollution solution for large customers but it's already a 50 Billion Dollar a year industry nearly and autos at near 18 Billion.
Elon Musk - Tesla "fuel cell comments"
Let's give the man some Grace, not everyone can speak with perfect all inclusive eloquence all the time in fact no one can. Fuel Cell Vehicles have many valid applications. We are not in the Fuel Cell Vehicle business and will never be in the fuel cell vehicle business. Can the right Fuel Cell Technology be absolutely awesome in a car? Sure, of course it can. Are cars any kind of priority in a world of 6-9 million dead a year just from breathing, record income disparity, the China Toxo-Holocaust, central government establishment total corruption in the energy industry, corruption in Scicom, energy industry financing of globe-wide terrorism and near 70% of the human population still without adequate access to electricity while the world needs 5x the energy production we have now? HELL NO. Don't talk to me about rich man's toys. Tell me how you are going to go help the nations who need electricity. And if you have nothing to say on this matter, don't talk.
Does it make sense for Elon to have said as did given his assumed tech knowledge of FC at the time versus having the infrastructure off the car and just charging it? Sure. Considering then fast-charging capacity? Sure. Are his statements all inclusive and do they apply broadly to all vehicle types, applications and also stationary applications, especially giving into account the human innovation potential or technological advancement in the age of acceleration and absolute mass of untried untested FC tweaks, advancements, breakthroughs, and developments? Absolutely No. Would he say they are? I'm quite certain he would say they are not. Let's forgive our good brother Elon and move along. Isn't it frustrating that people are even talking this rubbish?
FACT: Panasonic uses Fuel Cell to power their buildings, and Elon buys a MASSIVE amount of batteries from Panasonic. I'm certain he is not calling his large supplier "Bullshit idiots" for saving all that money and going cleaner by using FC. Please analyze when people talk. Don't just take chopped up mindless media articles out of context or thought without it.
FACT: NASA whom Elon collaborates with to "some" degree and who he is absolutely SMOKING in innovation and related ability I am happy to point out, with far less money we can add, has been successfully using Fuel cell at a benefit to them for over 60 years, and even used it to make the electricity to "go to the moon and back" and provide power to their facilities. Now we know that Elon might not think so highly of NASA's capacity being that he is beating the snot out of them in many areas, however I'm sure he won't be calling their use and especially benefit as a customer of FC as "Bullshit". Let's move on to the management of FC and their respective companies to date? Elon may call that which we have seen to date, mismanagement, sometimes fraudulent, desperate insanity, or indeed even as BS, or if he didn't I would most certainly be willing to do it for him.
FACT: Near 100 of the fortune 500 in the USA are using FC now, saving money on power and going greener at the same time, some of the smartest companies in the world. Apple, Google, Verizon, ATT, Nokia, Softbank, JP Morgan, BofA, Morgan Stan, Kaiser, Caltech, UConn, US Military, and many more. Now my personal respect level for Elon would never even change one degree if he up and said they are all absolute BS idiots for saving all that money and being cleaner, but he isn't exactly going to say that, and if he ever did he was probably just having a bad day. Invest more in his company and stop talking BS so the man can focus on the mission and market segment focus he is actually on and focused on, the #1 ELECTRIC, AND #1 performance car on earth I may add, for the middle to mid-up consumer markets. INVEST. Don't talk. The world needs what he is doing clearly, and he is attacked at every turn including being sued by 27 completely sickophantic evil despicable states in the so called country of freedom, and it's illegal for american customers to even buy the products they want in their own damn country. You want to talk about BS? Now that is BS. Now go to his website, and invest some damn money. Will FC and Electric cars be the end solution in the human future? NO, of course not. Is FC Needed right now? YES, of course it is. Is Electric car needed right now? Yes, of course it is. He is killing it in electric car innovation and it's needed. Shut up and invest. Solutions and progress doesn't come from talking, it comes from YOU INVESTING. We are going to kill it in our respective area, and also have been and will continue to be heavily attacked, and investors don't want needless unconstructive distractions from their investments' direction and focus either, and eventually he may be advising you to do the same thing about us and drive Change with Your INVESTment. We would be more than happy one day when the time is right to conduct some cooperation with Musk and Crew. I hope we will be half as eloquent and patient as Elon has been in his overstatements and communications especially under such barrage of BS been shovelled on him from every direction.
We are all the drivers of the Future of Energy Direction and Development of The Human Story. Support us all, we are fighting to Change Your World.