"Impossible Only Exists in the Minds of those who are by their own decisions Incapable, Given Up, and Defeated. Impossible isn't something we believe in, it's something we achieve in." (Thomas,B.)
"In may 2019 a wholly useless "consultant" whom I taught the basics of business, startup, & cleantech to for a month said to me, "Don't tell anyone you made 2,700 Technologies, it's too overwealming, no one will believe it. Just tell them you have 4, pick 4. I told him that of course since they are already all over the internet for years that there is no going back now. It would be like telling your 1500 SAT score 10 year old, "Son, let's not tell anyone how good you are, let's hold you back a few years instead." After he insisted I do as he says, when he had never even spoken to a single investor in his whole life & didn't even know the definition of one, I then told him, "I'm going to make 3,000 by year end just to spite what you said." by Dec 14 I had 3,498."
(Thomas, B.)
News Developments
June 13/2017 +
Alpha Omega Energy
Proudly accepts request to assist Human Values organization: Alongsiders
"Let there be Light" was spoken. AOE consults To CHARGE Up and Beyond their new facility and thinking. To bring friendship and empower development leadership future opportunities radiating into the community and world around them.

11 Nations, VICTORY in the face of Defeat. Because CHARGE knows no boundaries.

Got Top Cutting Edge Breakthrough Technologies? We Do,
What about the toxic corrupt government energy and Scicom establishments that some funds and rich guys support and contrary to reality and records they still claim are the best places for supposed breakthoughs in energy?
They have zero breakthrough techs and $192 Million in Bankruptcies this Quarter. Aquion Energy was Given $180 Million and lost $192 Million. Strangely No Lawsuits and no malfeasance nor corruption charges laid to date. Investors frauded completely and the company and it's website dead completely.
AOE, $0 in "Investor support" to date, Zero NGO support, Zero Charity nor Church nor Government nor Dev-Org support, and our breakthroughs and progress and gritty hard yards fought just keep on a rollin' towards
If you want success, the SPI market is the only way you are gonna get it in the
Fight for our Energy Future. Support the REAL Change, support the REAL battle, Support the Development Future for us All,
Our website is a Construction Site.
Worked on Daily - Feb 6 2017
We are a start-up with no "programmers" and just have a pack of crazy "Real-Economy Engineers" with no Investment support yet to be able to hire any of those expensive "Virtual" ie. "fake-economy guys". Bear with us as we learn web design, rework everything these "engineers???" (who usually build nothing physical) do without tutorials, user-thought, nor obviously any sense let alone automation. Thanks for your patience and support, eventually it will look like we want it to. Huge amount to come over the months as we take up the torch and fight for our planet's survival with the Small Private Innovators around the world who have never been supported with their commercialize-able Energy breakthroughs. Feel free to pray for us, we stand alone against all odds. (thanks to the tilda team for making this decent platform for us to build a free website on)
Our Strategic Partners
CodingGate = Our Future Provider for our World Class I.O.T. Cloud Monitoring System for our #1 in World Power Cell and Energy Solutions, and our I.T. Contracting and Web Solutions Needs.
Company Status and Near-Future Timeline
Early Stages of Startup Commercial Practice
AOE is now practicing in the business community in progress now delivering real solutions to our clients. We are the leading firm by technology, solutions quality, and value to our clients and the marketplace.
Post A-Stage Financing: Production, Traction, Expansion.
Once having secured A-Round financing AOE will be able to deliver significant production capacity, market traction for our flagship solutions, and expand allocating significant capital and financed capital.
IPO CSX 2018
AOE is already under way in preparations with the CSX, CSC, Private Equity Investment firms, private investors, and Stock Listing Brokers and Underwriters for our IPO in 2018. Post IPO, AOE will undergo significant expansion.
Years of Work on Fuel Cell and New and Clean Energy Solutions Engineering
Number of Proprietary Clean Energy and Energy Related Technologies To Date:
Kilowatts per hour of Current Potential Annual Capacity available to Deploy Now with successful financing by investors.
Areas of expertise
We are a Multi-Solution and Multi-Technology Clean Energy firm, ready to help you with your company's every energy need. We provide companies and institutions with electricity services that are cheaper, cleaner, more reliable, low-capital intensive, and maintenance free. Our company helps our clients solve their difficult energy problems, freeing up cash flow, creating significant new opportunity, and accelerating their profit and asset gains.
We make the Impossible an Every Day Occurrence.
Our in-house Leading Financial Engineering, with Global reach, Provides Incredible Benefits just not available in the local marketplace for our select smart clean energy clients.

Global Financial Solutions
The #1 New Clean Energy Technology Solutions and Innovation Company Dedicated to The Future of Our Energy Development.

24-Hours Baseload Clean Energy Fuel Cell Power Distributed On-Site at a cost Far Less Than The Retail Power Grid Networks. Perfect for Grid Fed Wholesale Clean Energy in Developing Nations, or for Our Select Commercial and Industrial Clients with Large Power Demand.


Tilda is designed to build beautiful landing pages, craft editorial projects, and make presentations.
We Solve Energy Problems in 3 Ways
Click to learn more about each method
Our Strategic Financial Partners
If you are interested in becoming a finance product partner or sponsor, please feel free to write us. AOE cooperates with and offers a variety of financial solutions through numerous sources for our clients
We can cut your electricity bills by 20-60%
We Electrocuted the Energy Problem
Click to learn more about each method
Contact us now to book your free energy savings consultation.
Alpha Omega Energy is the #1 Breakthrough CleanEnergy Tech Startup & Creator, in History.
'Hey, radical neo-luddites. With the greatest emphasis one can scream from the depths of the universe. F YOU.'
(Thomas, B.)
"Some people continue to vehemently insist against the innovation, creation, imagineering potential and technological prowess and ability of mankind with his mind and heart in the right place. Those talking such absolute rubbish are the very chains on the human development speed potential.
I intend to break them."
(Thomas, B.)

"Some people continue to vehemently insist against the innovation, creation, imagineering potential and technological prowess and ability of mankind with his mind and heart in the right place. Those talking such absolute rubbish are the very chains on the human development speed potential.
I intend to break them."
(Thomas, B.)

Power The Future, Change The World
Alpha Omega Energy
#1 In Breakthrough New Energy Solutions
Neo-Luddite: "Thomas, why aren't you in your lab?"
Thomas: "I never left. You're in it. Don't make it too dirty with your filth."

We Begin With Fuel Cell, but we certainly will not end there, this is the setup of the Beginning. Our dream is one day in the future, a MegaTech Center displaying all of our Innovation and the unsupported underdogs of humanity, who always were the ones who made it happen in our story of human history, and especially the future.
Alpha Omega Energy will not EVER be entering the Fuel Cell Car market, the rich developed world has far enough toys. The world needs Clean Power, The poor need help, the rich have enough cars. Don't talk to me about cars. NO. Talk to me about when you are going to go out and help the undeveloped nations and the small people who needed you, long long ago.
Thomas, B.
Steve Wosniack interview on moonshots and Canadian Innovation
There is a lot of creativity out in the world outside the US. The next big moonshot innovation never came from the big companies they came from out of nowhere. The big guys don't want to take any risk, it's those who take the risk that make the next moonshots. They came from new people, companies that go different directions off the wall, and they take the shots and the ceo made a product that he wanted that is quality and beautiful it fit his ideal and he was in control of it and not letting everyone else get their little bit in but he made it speak from himself. You have to let a lot of things go to have the new big advances. These innovators came out of nowhere and nobody could have expected them.
Company Status and Near-Future Timeline
Early Stages of Startup Commercial Practice
AOE is now practicing in the business community in progress now delivering real solutions to our clients. We are the leading firm by technology, solutions quality, and value to our clients and the marketplace.
Post A-Stage Financing: Production, Traction, Expansion.
Once having secured A-Round financing AOE will be able to deliver significant production capacity, market traction for our flagship solutions, and expand allocating significant capital and financed capital.
IPO CSX 2018
AOE is already under way in preparations with the CSX, CSC, Private Equity Investment firms, private investors, and Stock Listing Brokers and Underwriters for our IPO. Post IPO, AOE will undergo significant expansion.
Online Application
Client applies online in the form or by email request, making account with AOE. Data file is sent to Trust Agent, accountant, and AOE, for records and management.
Transfer to Escrow
Client then sends transfer to AOE Trust account under administration of Trust Agent Law firm "Tip and Associate Partners". Records are kept at Trust agent, accountant, and AOE
AOE Allocates
AOE then can allocate the investment as needed, first invoicing the Trust Agent with all applicable expenses prior to expensing for accountability, tax, and records.
AOE Installs Systems
AOE installs more systems once manufactured, adding to overall production of power, and revenues.
Income is received to the Trust Agent account, reported for taxation and accounting.

AOE Earns Income
Income is available for AOE to further allocate and reinvest. Valuation, factoring, asset financing, and new commercial finance begins. New investment solicitations go out to VC and others.
Exit Method
Investor is either exited early on communicated request with return, or chooses to remain in the Investment for longer term growth potential, or until subsequent financing rounds after AOE compounds.
Alpha Omega Energy has Begun and Added Fi.CleaNergy, our new Fintech platform.
Powerful Innovation Just Never Stops at Alpha Omega Energy
Creating and Delivering More Investor Value Day in and Night Out
Now Our Investors Have Numerous Profit Centers to Charge Up Their Portfolios
With the Alpha Omega Energy Change The World Shock
Additional Information Menu For Investors - Ask for Access
(This information is available on request by qualified investors and is on a cloud account - after verbal + verification disclosure process)
  • Investor Terms
  • Videos of Pitches and Presentations at winning Startup Events and Major Global Trade Fairs
  • One page and 3 Page Business Plans
  • Key clients and 80 and 140 Million Capital Deployment Strategies
  • PPT Stacks/Pitch Decks in A Number of Formats:
  • Full Plans on PPT
  • Marketing plan and value
  • Finance processes step by step
  • Spend Sheet and Budget Plans
  • AOE Stock Listing plan and strategies, buyback and levered plans etc
    Our website is a Construction Site in constant progress.
    Worked on often as time allows - Feb 23 2020
    Currently Only setup to view on Windows 10 PC Devices (sorry phone folks) Adjusting to multi-devices & IOS sizes
    Thanks for your patience and support, eventually our site will look like we want it to. Raising capital would solve all these issues.
    Huge amount to come over the months as we continue to take up the torch and fight for our planet's survival as the typical Small Private Energy Innovators around the world who have never been supported with their commercialize-able Energy Breakthroughs.
    Feel free to pray for us, we stand alone against all odds.
    Investors, We are Pre-IPO, get in NOW to Earn your multiples!
    Michael Bloomberg - Mayor, Business Pioneer, Engineer, and Philanthropist, environmentalist.
    Pioneer Bloomberg Television and media, bringing top quality education at the highest levels of professionalism and insider knowledge to masses around the world who don't otherwise have access, (though many services are paid premium), Bloomberg reports giving $254 million in 2009 to almost 1,400 nonprofit organizations, saying, "I am a big believer in giving it all away and have always said that the best financial planning ends with bouncing the check to the undertaker." Bloomberg has donated over $1.8 billion to more than 850 charities. The impact he has made is great, the spirit done is fantastic, and the leadership strong, ethical, progress for the people focused, a great example to follow.

    While we don't see eye to eye with many of Bloomberg's political choices, his philanthropic efforts & CleanEnergy & Environmental commitments are quite significant.
    Alpha Omega Energy - Contact Us NOW to Become a Client, Investor, Note Holder or Supporter. Let's Change The World Together!
    Proudly a Change Cambodia Company
    A Climate Change Affected Nation of Severe Energy Need and Lack of Development
    All AOE Proprietary Solutions Technology Made exclusively in-house and In Cambodia.
    AOE HumanityShot Prize

    AOE Technology & Power Services

    AOE Plane



    About Us

    Charity & Impact Socent Scaling

    Invest & Earn

    AOE CarbonCredits

    Contact AOE
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