Contrarian Corner
(can u handle anything outside your echo chamber?)
EVERY REAL Scientist explores the TOTAL sum of data with zero financial conflicts of interest & zero bias. To question the status quo & go against the establishment mainstream, is what is required to be a scientist, & anyone who doesn't, is NOT a Scientist, but only a propagandist. Different perspective, is the best friend of the ethical scientist & the hated arch enemy of the Fraudster, and Conartist.
CO2 COOLS the Earth, not heats.
Shake-it Baby
yt set of vids


friends of science
corey morningstar
2 podcasters
expose un twit
expose wwf

the aoe story
cleantech100 13,900 breakdown
10 million & only 2,000 deals/yr 0.02%. 0.2% in 10 years. 99.8% in 10 years new, & all existing wont get a deal.


- Methane shield
- Will warm the top more - heat goes towards the cold always
- A big heater to heat the atmosphere cant do it
- Greenhouse needs co2 inside
- Earth has no glass roof dome flat earth according to scicom, unless they are flat earthers. Thats okay if they were but they say no dome so their model is destroyed unless they do.

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AOE Plane



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    AOE made this video to begin crowdfunding, showcasing our world class IT & tech office we built from nothing, in the 3rd floor of a church, after raising from Bitcoin traders. We built the foundations of 6 divisions together with 16 Full Time Staff on just the deposit of our Seed Round. It fell through after getting just 2%. We have come very far, & need to finish and get to the next level of full commercialization. Let's Crowdfund to the people!

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    AOE relocated to the undeveloped nations as an Impact Social Enterprise for Change The World. The opportunity in such markets is massive & untapped, & the impact & scaling opportunities to change people's lives is unprecedented. AOE is a Change The World Mission oriented company and we have aimed at the global financial markets business plan pathway from day 1. Help us raise or invest & support strongly and let's make it happen together!

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