De-bunking The Sili-Cult against Sole Founders
Learn the Real reasons VC's are losing 90% of the time, failing 9 times out of ten in their so called "World class team choices, investing in great people and great teams", or "building great teams" and why 90% of startups fail. Hint, it's not why they claim it is, but you probably already knew that. Imagine if a mutual fund or bond fund or other kind of fund was not only wrong, but completely lost all the money on 9 out of 10 investments. 90% of VC doesn't even beat the stock market index over 10 long years of their methodology. They fail to return even 1.31X over this time period on average, which is merely 8.31% return, and they hate anyone who says so.

You would know their methodology is failed and dead wrong if these are the FACTS wouldn't you? Well, not in VC land, welcome to the world where Cult-following practice trumps all data, all facts, and all sense. Not only that, but it flies in the face of what everyone knows works in corporate success and business, and that is to have strong centralized leadership, a CEO with power and passion to drive the mission of the business to success, sometimes no matter what challenge, or who's got to go.
Fact: 61% of Startups Fail Due to Conflict in the "Teams" VC's choose.
VCs not only are incredibly poor at choosing the right teams and kind of teams, but what that really means is they are poor at their choice of the right leadership and structure of the startup. They add 61% Failure to their portfolios by their hardcore religious Cult of the day against the Mission-driven sole founders. If they chose these mission-driven founders instead of slap-up teams or demanding a democratic-social-project split ownership and control model, they would eliminate most of these failures as the founder would merely ultimately replace the person if conflict could not be resolved and the issue was a major roadblock, or move that person to a contract basis or some other method. Instead, VC's force catastrophic results and failure and total loss onto not only the startup and its staff, but onto their own investments, portfolios, partners, and investors. Want to eliminate 61% of the failures in Startups? Go sole founder or invest in sole founder, or demand sole founder structure consolidated leadership instead of the current cult of the day slap-up split control democrazy. It's a business, not a social club, it needs a mission-focused OCD hell bent on the vision and success type of do or die passionate life-fighting leader, not a slapped-up pack of bickering politicists and spoiled whiners in a group think consensus focus group, and that person should nearly in every case be the original founder who crafted the ideals, values, mission, vision, product and strategy, methods and marketing, and original branding mission, and who is hell bent like the family survival business to make it happen at all personal cost and who loves and is passionate about this success. Think Apple/Steve Jobs firing-debacle-return/resurrection passion.

Right now today, there are over 1 Million unfunded ignored Tech4Dev innovators all over the world with incredible fast to profit world Impact missions that the VC in Silicon Valley has never done anything for nor cares one iota about them to begin.

It's time for the REAL Change The World that SiliCon valley has only been TALKing about.
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FACT: The way to guarantee the least risk in a Startup, according to all metrics of causes of failure is:
1. Choose Sole Founder (eliminating 61% of failures & most rip&strip, replace & slapup, chop & drop, & team exploitation events & ploys by vultures as well as all life-ending internal politics, delays & roadblocks & bureacracy.)
2. Choose Mission Oriented For-Profit Scalable Social Enterprise for Impact with High Values-based Founder (eliminating 90% of Corruption & irresponsibility issues)
3. Overfund The mission heavily. (eliminating runway, market, & time to profit risks, 70%+ of failures)
4. Never invest unless have monetization model already complete. (Drops failures by 50%)
5. Never invest unless have a roadmap to early profit complete. (in under 1 million) (Drops failures by 60%)
6. Don't invest in high cost markets. Invest in High Demand Vaccum PMF & TAM low cost markets instead. (outside the G30) (Drops failures by 80%)
7. Don't invest in FAKE.. Stop Wasting the Change The World money on rich spoiled losers, Toys, Games, Apps, Craps, Social,Political&Identity pet projects, Fake Reality, Fake Economy, Fake Relationship & Fake Intelligence only for the richest of the rich in the richest most spoiled rotten places in history. Invest in REAL. Real Economy, Real Industry, Real Goods & Services, Real Assets and Asset backing, Real Technology, Real Impact in the right places & with REAL VALUES, with REAL RELATIONSHIP, and REAL Intelligence.
(Together these Eliminate 90-99+% of all failures for early investors to recover funds.)
8. Aim at IPO & stack on investors Immediately, don't wait like a chump. (Drops failures by further 20-50%)

All top Championship sports teams have Captains, Coaches, General Managers, Quarterbacks, Leaders, Generals, Admirals, Champions. Everyone in the hired teams are needed, but without strong leadership, cutting the head off a Lion merely leaves a twisting confused body with no unified forward direction & a bickering political mess.

The World has Always been Changed in the fires of the heart of the good man.
Never Forget. The World Never Changed Itself. WE did that. And ALL of us, are going to do it again.

Support the Mission Oriented Change The World Impact Innovator Tech 4 Dev Sole Founders, and Watch the World be Charged like Never Before.

(March 14,2020)
Thomas,B. Entrepreneur, Critical Thinker, Contrarian, Obsessed Changemaker, Student Infinitum, Economic Obsessifus, Slow Media and Values Campaigner, Engineer, Innovator, Scientist, aspiring Philanthropist, Angel's Advocate, Supporter of The Underdogs, Radical Christian, FULL CHARGER!!!
Alpha Omega Energy. #1 In Clean Power Generation.
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