Feb 26,2019
Shellshocked to my back.
I don't know about you folks but today I feel completely shocked. After 7,000 Widely Varied Advertisements, requests, engagements, offers, solicitations & chat attempts in Tweets and all the Pinned messages of all Climate orgs you can possibly find, all Globalist Orgs, all Climate propagandists, so called stars of Climate Change, Climate politicians, Greenewdeal politicians, Climate strikers, Impact Investment companies, Socent companies, and about 30-40 VC, with avg 5-10 posts on each of the Climate orgs, absolutely none of them answered our questions, requests, ads, information, liked our comments, retweeted them, and only 500 followers to our 5,000. This is after about 4 months of 2 of us Tweeting here and there. I am shocked.
FACT: It is very clear that the Climate Change industry is a huge scam, hoax, con artists. The litmus test is obviously when they completely ignore the world's best innovators with 2,537 techs. I mean seriously how could you possibly claim you support the environment when you would not even be interested in breakthrough clean energy technology to any level whatsoever to not like, retweet, answer offers, converse, help, support. Their policy claims to be for renewable energy, but they don't want anything to do with the renewable energy innovators and startups. They couldn't give a shit. This is the reality.... it is really shocking.
Today I am lost thinking that the conspiracy theorists who talked all "that crazy stuff" like "energy suppression" and deepstate total control over energy, might actually be correct but not just correct but it might just be way bigger a conspiracy than any of them ever spoke of. How could it even be possible that all of them don't give a shit about this at all?? Tens of MILLIONS of peopel are dying every year and they NEVER EVER even mention them. It's unreal. All they talk about is Climate Change like a pack of evil zombies drunk in hate against anyone that would ever have any sense or independent mind or thinking to ever even consider anything else or want to look into the science and not just obey in lockstep chanting lies and slanders against anyone who dare question. Its absolutely psychotic to watch them all doing it. CLIMATE DENIERRR!!!!! CLIMATE DENIALIST!!!! ANTI-CLIMATE ACOLYTE!!!! The ad hominem slander is like nothing else but satan himself. It is far beyond anything rational sensible or even humane. There is absolutely nothing scientific about their approach h, attitudes nor research. The radical craze state fervor these people are whipped up into is freaking madness like you have never heard of before other than perhaps war time and civil war. Their utter contempt and hatred for anyone else with an opinion knows no limits. They seek to destroy, erase, deperson, deplatform, eliminate, assault, charactrer assassinate and alienate ANYONE who dare be a centrist or real scientist. Instantaneous total ecosytem sanctions against anyone who dare question any of it. EVEN the Breakthrough Innovators with 2,500+ Technologies that can save it all.
What in the literal F?! WHat the F is going on?
There has got to be something bigger happening because this just doesn't happen in reality. HOW?!
As I write this, Twitter has banned nearly every centrist and conservative voice on the internet, including Trump, Candace Owens, Every whistleblower not on the left, has no support for Assange, Snowden, Alex Jones, Washington State Whistleblowers, and has now banned Tommy Robinson hero of the UK, and Laura Loomer hero of American Jews. Donald Trump has done nothing about it. I can not believe my eyes. The internet was supposed to be the bastion and salvation for free speech to all peoples and opinions all over the world, but now it is nothing short of vicious sadistic satanic totalitarism to the extremes. Chase bank is banning and sanctioning these whistleblowers and centrist people's activists. France is on fire with 15 weeks of Climatestrike against the totalitarian Tax & Scam Globalist agenda one world government elitists and the EU as armored troops and vehicles with EU troops from outside of France occupy it, foreigners coming in to beat the living shit out of French people and the MSM ignores its never airs it at all, deliberately hides it all, and at the same time continually airs a NEW Climate protest coordinated across many cities all at the same time by Al Gore and boughtoffs from his incredibly well run strategic marketing and war machine for globalism. The whole thing has obviously to me been coordinated to distract and draw attention from the REAL climate strike which is the French strike against globalism & the total stripping of French sovereignty, then radical Tax imposed on them to be then redirected to other countries at the consumer's expense not the elites or rich. The strategy of Gore & the globalists is unimaginably impressive, skilled beyond compare. Every thing that happens every leak, announcement, corruption exposure, is instantly countered with a hoax against the centrists and people, or protest with major MSM coverage. The precision and instant deployment of this massive organization ability and mobilization of people is incredible. It is like a war machine. An ultimate propaganda machine that the MSM is supporting. This is very very clear. 95% of MSM stories are vitriolic against Trump & every republican or centrist even worse against conservatives & absolute hate filled level ad hominem attacks and slanders to anyone who is not a foaming at the mouth climate change advocate.
It is very clear that the climate change science is completely fraudulent. Completely fraudulent. There is no science for it in fact. The IPCC report has nothing to do with carbon it doesn't measure carbon its based on water vapor on h20. They have no reproducible not even one control experiments to show radiative forcing of co2 in our open to air expanding atmosphere. Instead they pretend its a closed greenhouse like as if they are all flat earthers living a dome but then they claim its not a dome and no plastic cover to keep the air trapped inside to even begin making a greenhouse effect. Its simply not reality. Of course adding more gas will expand the atmosphere making it bigger reaching out further into space. It will also be bigger thus reflecting more solar and cosmic rays crating a cooling effect which would completely offset or at least partially offset all the potential greenhouse effect and lessen it at very least.
When you mention to these climate frauds that the sun isn't included they respond instantly in slander and anger and name calling and unprofessional schoolyard bullying attempts to discredit and slander you to all, sanctioning you instantly blocking banning you, it doesn't matter who you are, even the guy with the holy grails of energy. They don't care. All they care about is you join their religion and get on your knees and serve or they will chop your fking head off right there. There people are not just irrational, they are not just corrupt, they are not just insane, they are not just complete and total narcissists, they are fking psychopaths. It is no wonder why psychotherapists are now treating 1000's of people for "Climate Grief".
The con-artisty is like nothing I have ever seen. The only thing left is for people to start shooting and killing other people. I think soon it will begin. I think soon you will see them move from demonstrations of children in the streets to riots with Antifa to murders and assasination attempts, also recommended by democrats and the MSM. Just like we saw over the last 12 months especially since September 20-18 in the lead up to the election. Fake bomb hoaxes by 11-13 democrats just before election to calling for the beatings and deaths of children merely for wearing hats and smiling, to their hate blocking the only energy salvation path for tens of millions even hundreds of millions of people. All they care about is destroying anyone with the other opinion. These people are demons. Like straight from hell demons.
They NEVER move from Taxes killing the poor to investment portfolios by the government juicing up share prices or printing money to buy shares and stocks and bonds so they can earn their way to paying for infrastructure and get off the regressive destructive Taxation system, but then they claim they are for the people. Nothing obviously could be further from the truth. They don't advocate for a fairer system for the people. If they did they would want no tax and the government to have a huge investment portfolio and to retire all taxes on anyone with about $200,000 a year or less, and maybe 10% or so on anyone above at most, with then consumption taxes and uber wealth taxes and 2nd milliona year in income at 20% etc with corporate taxes at 15% making the usa an incredibly competitive market, helped by Import taxes which penalize polluting and anti-democracy, anti-human rights nations, or those doing totalitarian anti women practices like FGM, education inequality, oppression, child marriage forced, violence towards women etc. Without this, you can see how clearly corrupt and completely fake and fraudulent these people are. They do nothing of qwhat they say nor advocate, only they speak about a goal an aim like climate change but then never fund nor support the technologies already made that are needed to achieve it.
Never once have you or I EVER seen a single climate org nor hate filled acolyte of their movements EVER support a single clean energy small private innovator nor startup. They NEVER Fund, finance, invest, facilitate to, promote, sponsor, help nor support in ANY WAY any of them. I have met 47 of these great innovators like myself across 24 countries and never even tried to find anyone. I just met them in travels to energy fairs and financial fairs and one thing is common, NONE of them have EVER been financially supported by anyone. They have all like myself solicited every climate or environmental org they have ever come in contact with, gone to governments and rich and investors and energy and environment and financial fairs and no one has ever supported any of them. I have seen all their tech their designs and tried them all and tested them all and know 100% they all work and I can reproduce them all and improve all of them as well. THEY ALL WORK. None of them are supported, NO ONE is looking for them, NO ONE is going to try to support them, and frankly I think no one EVER will. LEAST of all the Climate industry or the globalist organizations like UNDP WEF etc.
The whole agenda to my shock which I never could have imagined possible in all of life until being exposed to this journey myself, is total global political control. Tax&Scam, mandatory deep state funding programs much of it hidden from public eye, earmarked for mandatory spending to then be used in FAKE environmental and political fronts staffed by satanic leftist staff trained up by them in places like the Gore Climate leaders training groups, to then spend all their time and make sure every comment about environment or climate is a hit piece on the opposition or anyone who would oppose them possibly, discredit, slander , defame, lie about, accuse, attack, defame them and worse. It is ALL POLITICS and NOTHING about saving the environment, world, nor people. There is absolutely no independence about these people to stay on any target that would even be about saving the planet and saving lives. they never even talk about saving lives, I have never even seen it mentioned even once among the thousands and thousands of them. Its like an army of satanic borg with zero concern for the human lives, not once have they EVER shown a single person nor done a single story on anyone nor their family who has been affected by the death of a loved one due to pollution or cancer due to air pollution. These people are completely inhuman like aliens on a mission foaming at mouth in hatred blind for control merely sticking to religious zealot agenda then claiming its the others in shock and awe at their sickening ravenously evil sellout satanically corrupt soulless inhuman behavior that no THEY are the acolytes. I am shocked to complete shock.
So what do they want? What are they after more than anything? Total destruction of opposition, control in government. One world government in fact after all they keep on saying it and insisting it from Davos to Gore to Climate orgs to the EU they are all on the same pags same agenda and pushing it like a pack of zombies coming to all pile on and eat your fking throat if you dare flinch with a question against them. And now they are stating from congress to every position of power "You BETTER be scared of us." The fathers of America were right, and so was Ronald Reagan, Facism will come back wearing a Liberal face this time, and boy has it ever. The internet is a Totalitarian Radical Communist Gestapo where its even illegal on Twitter to even mention the SCIENTIFIC FACTS that there are 2 genders not 3 nor more and ONLY MALE GENDER AND FEMALE GENDER. The public squares online have been turned into lynchmobs of hatred for diverse voices while screaming endless satanic lies that they somehow are something about diversity when the fact is they hate it squash it kill it ban it sanction it attack and assault and fraud hoax and defame any possibly diversity of opinion and fight like a demonic army for a total one sided echo chamber devoid of scientific research, study, debate, FACTS, let alone any new ideas or fresh opinions.
The Flat earth movement, which I view as an independent scientist to be one of the greatest awakenings in scientific history, as it has for th very first time in my generation at least, given rise to an entire debate environment where every possible outlandish new scientific theory and question and poking and prodding opf all things with holes or unfinished or not quite in science are explored and attacked and challenged and literally hundreds of new discoveries and realizations are being uncovered and an endless number of tens of millions of people allover the world are for the first time being interested in STEM and physics and astrophysics and getting involved where they can actually contribute and be welcome to do so and where they may have some value and participation instyead of the closed environment yuou are not welcome you are less than us pompous arrogant evil narcissistic attitude of the scicom community of pay your dues lack of inclusivity, exclusion, and old boys corrupt back patting pyramid echo chamber failed environment where endless 300 million to 400 billion dollar scicom projects go to total failure after failure at taxpayers expense as they are no longer allowed to experiment in free throught and creativity but must do so in endless shitfight control complex. There is no room for disruption in science and physics anymore and millions of hate filled and scared to be defunded acolytes defending the scicom pyramid like hate filled meth addicts out to beat the hell out of someone who dares stand out in a mob of 5 friends. Any questions online in a reddit, anyone dropping a "bomb" like the 2nd law of thermo is wrong" is immediately flagged for suspension and kicking from the group, with comments, debate, questions not welcome, in fact anyone questioning anything not already part of the religion is targeted for instant expulsion and groupp think defamation. I have been to 79 churches in 23 countries and been abused by pastors and met insanely evil abusive pastors and have never once ever seen anything like this kind of evil from any of them not even the worst one who went to the back of his car to get a baseball bat to beat someone who questioned his stealing of their rental deposit. The hate and attack is swifter and more severe by these so called science groups and acolytes of hate and politics even than that.
I love the flat earth movement. I Iove all of those people. When I first found them I was shocked and thought wow american rednecks are so stupid and funny wow I need to check this out and I went looking for a good laugh. I expected to be laughing my arse off at these people but in a few hours I was thinking.....what the....wait a minute...I don't have answers for that, or that, or that....can it be?? It zooted my mind so completely into new thinking and perspective so delicious bubble minded perspective that I made 48 new technologies in the next 3 days to come and literally had to take 3 more days off just to recover. A week later and It was like the whole world was different for me. I told my good friend "Man....I hope I don't figure all this out any time soon because what this is doing to my mind is absolutely groundbreaking." as he was swearing in the phone yelling over me telling me not to listen to those fking idiots. I laughed and smiled because I was the same way just days earlier but I was wrong. It is beautiful what they are doing.
Does it reeally matter if they think its flat? no, no it doesn't. You should love them anyway. A REAL scientist would love it and love them and embrace it and see as a learning opportunity for himself and to teach others. A real scientist would see an opportunity for new debate and new exploration in delicious new room new platform new angles and new perspectives and knowing that possibly they may stumble onto something we haven't yet with 10 MILLION new sets of eyes doing their own experiments and research and become self-scientists all on their own without the sales of education. It is beautiful, magnificent, and they are making a valuable incredible contribution. Now think about it. IF it was flat, wouldn't that be so cool? so amazing that everything was new again? You used to fantasize about it when you were a child, Imagine if suddenly the world was a new place with new realms to explore or nothing was as it seemed. Wow so exciting! What happened to your youth your curiosity your mind your love your friendliness? Only a mouth and heart full of vitriolic hate for other people? This is the contribution that the left has scarred on humanity in the last 50 years. Totalitarian barbaric Antifa radical fascist hate. Lies about tolerance lies about inclusion lies about diversity lies about freedom lies about environment but in truth they hate anyone with a different view, exclude them block them ban them beat them suppress them hoax and fraud them to defame them, want to tax them and fight for injustice with unequal sentencing even when people commit crimes. there is no limit of evil on the left, even calling for assassination all while lying that the other side are the violent facists.
I am shocked. The world is not at all as I thought.
My older brother told me yelled at me screamed at me that it was like this when I was just 20 years old. I couldn't believe him I tghought he lost his fkn mind. i never could have believed him. But not only was he right, it is far far far worse than I ever could have imagined it was, and I ever could have imagined it would or could ever become.
The Matrix movie has nothing on this super fascist dragnet+MSM combination with the democrat and one world government EU UN DAVOS- Soros-Rockefellers-Rothschilds-Saudis-Opec in control, and then the undeveloped markets dictators and authoritarians (nice name for fake democracy corrupt dictators which only get the name by playing the UN EU globalist one world government agenda.
All my life I thought this cant be possible, the conspiracy guys are fking nuts they are crackpots and it cant possibly be. My blind faith in the integrity of the successful and the wealthy in the system of checks and balances and accounting brought up in Canadian peaceful naivety sheltered my mind like a fking sheep. My brother was right. I still remember his scream. "They will put a fking bullet in your head!! You can do nothing!! They will never let you!! DONT DO IT!!!" he was right. Its all a control structure. All of it. All the climate groups, none of them give a fk at all. Not one. "Climate" What kind of sadistic robot evil satanic sht is that??? they call it climate, as if to dodge completely from the 12-15 MILLION people being KILLED each year from air pollution. They NEVER mention the toxic pollution they NEVER mention the names the disease the cancer the sickness the lives the polluted anything, its only and 100% about co2, the BUILDING BLOCK OF LIFE they have demonized, LIFE ITSELF in them also being the people who want babies exterminated when already out of the womb. "Climate"
not lives, not save the people, not save human life.......no.......climate change, with a tax and control and demonize and exclude and destroy voices and people and deplatform and dehumanize entire populations and millions of followers while lie about inclusion and lie about diversity and lie about voices and lie about freedom and justice. They are the acts and hearts and voices and lives and belief system exact copy walking life of fascism embodiment and soul. It makes one wonder if a doctor cut one of them apart on the table and looked inside what the hell would kind of demon would they find in there?
And then.....then, they refuse the breakthrough clean energy innovators. Not one, not two, not ten not 20, ALL OF THEM/ ALL OF THEM/. For decades they have knocked on their doors, many have showed them their plans and techs and models and demos and videos and schematics and working systems..... ALL OF THEM, completely ignored. They have won awards in science fairs and more, but all of them ignored by....WTF...by the "Climate" and environment lobbies and leftist governments. The same ones claiming they want clean energy. What in the literal F!?! How on earth can this be???
They want "Climate Change" oh they are after and interested in Climate change alright. They want to control the entire climate of the world in total globalist central one world government and they want to position to be the leaders of it. The profiteers of it. They are positioning in a cartel of control for it all. I must admit I am no massive strategist like they are. Wow am I inferior on a strategic level to they. As they scale Billions and total media control in their fingers with coordinated organizers by the hundreds, paid by tax dollars and insiders shadow operatives helping them from every direction to organize events and marches and political rallies........ I can't even get a few likes on Twitter. The only thing I can do is make the best energy tech in history across all machines and applications, devices and go bring it to the poor and plant my flag and build with my life with no one supporting and win the war at all costs for real lover and real humanity real freedom and real abundance in decentralized energy empowerment and knowledge.
I am appalled and wonder if I will get any support ever at all at this point. Clearly I'm at a low, drained exhausted from the years of grind. I will be back up fighting soon I am sure. Everyone has their lows and highs. Fortunately there is no choice for me. I must go on, like the countless God only knows how many hundreds of innovators over the centuries trying to get power to the people. It is all I am, all i know, all I believe in, all my family was, and I must continue. Probably even I will be forgotten or erased just like Nikola Tesla was. His inventions stolen, he discredited, erased into history by the evil military oil war and secrecy and fascism machine. And here it is again, but now this time with a decidely more anti-freespeech anti-human face of radical liberal totalitarianism.
God bless us all, it is clear the fascists on the left have known about breakthrough energy for decades and not only done nothing about it but sought to hide it, delay it, oppress people, and erased deliberately chose to never mention those dying, to use and position and usurp to gain from wrangling the use of climate change to fool the mind into a huge virtue signal to play and ploy and plot and scheme and sell their way sleazily like the tonguye of satan himself into power beyond imagine controlling every one of your lives, and childrens and grandchildren's futures. The satanism of the left is ever present and growing stroinger and more powerful by the day, heir boldness and grip of evil dominion now with unfettered power to abuse, bringing massive life altering soncequences to any who dare even speak anything out of line, and many are falling in line in fear of their rights to speak online or connect being eliminated in a new form of online oppression and radical liberal obedience fear felt all around the world like never before could have been imagined just two years ago in 2016 by even the likes of communist china.
I predict that the entire internet will be turned off for republicans and centrists and conservatives all over the world from the 2020 election onward during election times, total blackouts just like in Iran and Cameroon and Nigeria and Kenya and Turkey. The world is no longer a free place.
The greatest evil in human history is among us. Total oppression of the mind in every possible fashion. The internet is the thought network of the world, and this is not just an information war, this is a war to oppress the entire world of minds.
As I write, we have 2,537 Breakthrough Cleantechs, tens of millions are dying, and Fakebook, Instagram, Linkedin, have all banned us, and Twitter has banned us 3 times letting us back on, and is shadowbanning and throttling us like other centrists at a rate of 21-1 revealed by many independent studies and even their own staff.
This is facism. Oppression. Sadistic tyrannical totalitarianism. We need to be brave, we need to stand up. We need to give our lives and die if it takes that, to stop them. All through history wars have come and been fought and they always start with this kind of radical oppression by the demonic just like them and doing just like them. It is sad to see it, but it is coming again to humanity, and coming fast.
May God help us all.